3 Good Reasons to Invest in Business Storytelling
Have you ever attended a seminar where none of the speaker’s message made an imprint on your mind? When you walked out of the venue you were more perplexed than when you came in. It’s like attending your graduation ceremony again where you spent the entire speaker’s speech taking pictures of your classmates. There was no connection. Zero. Zip. Nada.
A memorable and high-impact message is important in business. This is the only way to get people to respond to your campaign. But how do you get your message across effectively? How do you ensure that people remember your message? This is where storytelling will come in.
Have you ever read a book or perhaps a cheap booklet printing that you can’t just put down? Do you remember the plot of the story? How about the characters? Chances are the story made an impact on you. The excitement you felt when reading the book touched on your emotions in such a way that you were able to remember the story and its message long after you have finished reading.
In a business context, a memorable message is a powerful story. It will leave a lasting impression on readers that will engage and interest them. Storytelling is actually not a new concept. You have probably told a story or two to your friends or family. In fact, everyday is a day for storytelling. The simply accident you had at the kitchen, the cute guy you met at the grocery, the phone call you got from your mom. Every instance, every incident is a story to tell.
But aside from leaving a strong impact, what makes storytelling important in business? Here are some of the good reasons you need to know:
• Meaningful stories turn a complex idea to a simple one. Business presentations often require presenting facts and figures to explain an idea. However, people easily tune out when they see graphs and numbers on a presentation. Instead of getting a response, all you’ll get are blank faces staring right at you. A good rule to follow is to get rid of the figures and graphs. Instead, create an interesting story. A story on how to lose weight in five easy steps printed on a custom booklet will surely capture people’s interest especially those who want to shed extra pounds. The story is simple and valuable, thus, helping you deliver your message across effectively.
• Good stories help make change easier. Chance is inevitable. With a good story, you can help people accept and adopt to chances better. Be sure to craft a story that will be seen in a positive light. Understand what your customers fear about change so you can create a message that will help them understand that change is not synonymous to loss.
• Interesting stories help in visual communication. As the story goes, readers will create a mental image of what they are reading. History tells us that ancient civilizations have long used visuals to send messages as evidenced by the hieroglyphics of Egypt. If you find a way to send stir people’s imagination through your message, your story will look more powerful.
The next time you give a presentation or create marketing materials make sure to take advantage of storytelling. It’s a simple concept but powerful enough to connect with customers.