Importance of Simulation Technology for Medical Industry

The right course of treatment in medical science depends on decisions made during emergency cases. A right decision can save a patient’s life, while a wrong one can prove fatal. Medical students undergo rigorous training to improve decision making skills, though this gives rise to the risk that they may understand theory better than real-life scenarios. That’s where hands-on experience through simulation technology comes in.

Medical simulation training can help doctors to virtually experience those situations, leading to confidence and positive thinking during testing times and the ability to make life saving decisions at a moment’s notice.

The importance and need for simulation training is exemplified by the aviation industry. Aviation is considered one of the safest modes of travel, but only because the pilots and cabin crew receive rigorous simulation training. This enables them to remain calm and focused during real emergencies and successfully avoid what may have in earlier times become a tragedy.

Over 40% of errors made by medical practitioners occur due to a lack of knowledge or insufficient training. There is no doubt that robust technology has helped increase accuracy in clinical skills assessment. A team that is well equipped for right diagnosis must also be equipped with skills developed through medical simulation.

Web-based clinical simulation training allows medical practitioners to train in a realistic environment, but because there isn’t a patient’s life on the line, they can make mistakes – and learn from mistakes through skill repetition – without dire consequence. Clinicians then avoid making the same mistakes in a live setting because they’ve learned through experience.

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