10 steps to keep dental problems at bay

Dental health is an important aspect of overall well being. Good dental health means an admirable smile which leads to a great self-confidence. Dental health is different from general health in the element that most dental problems are preventable by proper dental hygiene and support.

Dental hygiene is untroublesome to maintain by following a simple regime. Here are 10 incomplex steps which you can do to have good dental hygiene.

1. Brush your teeth twice: This is the first rule of dental health. Brushing your dentition is of principal importance to dental health. You should brush your teeth twice daily preferably in the morning and just before going to bed. It is also very important to brush teeth right. Incorrect brushing is as good as no brushing. So, make sure you learn how to correctly brush your teeth and abide by it.
2. Floss you teeth: Brushing hardly reaches two-thirds of the teeth surface area. The staying one third is left unclean. Flossing cleans the remaining one third of the teeth. Itdistinctively removes the food debris cemented in between the teeth. Food remnants acts as haven for bacterial progress and hence removing it is essential to arrest microbial surge. Hence, flossing plays a very important role in preventing microbial growth.
3. Drink lots of water: Spit is a natural anti-microbial agent. Drinking lots of water promotes salivation which helps check microbial progress.
4. Do not eat in between meals: Snacking in between meals is a bad habit for dental health. Snacking raises the Ph level in the oral cavity which becomes conducive for microbial buildup. Hence, avoid snacking in between meals.
5. Chew sugar-free gum: Sugar free gum promotes salivation which acts as an antimicrobial agent. It controls the bacterial growth in the oral cavity. It also has xylitol which fights dental caries. Besides this, chewing gum ensures fresh breath.
6. Avoid junk food: Eat a balanced diet with plenty of veggies, protein and carbohydrates. Junk food is aweful for dental health. Hence, be away from junk food.
7. Say no to piercings: Body art is good as long as it’s out of the oral cavity. Tongue piercings can become a source of contamination. It can also cause nerve damage and acts as an irritant to the oral cavity.
8. Regular visits to dentist: The dentist is a qualified person who can detect problems in their beginning stages and treat them. Early identification of dental problems means that there is early cure which prevents the problem from increasing further. Also, the more advance a dental issue becomes, more traumatic the treatment is and you will end up paying more for it.
9. Kick the butt: Smoke is a bane for dental health. Apart from having disadvantageous affects on the body, smoking habit has a great impact on the oral cavity. The most obvious of these is the bad breath coming out of the oral cavity which is also known as smoker’s breath. The smoke constituents settle on the teeth surface forming hard deposits which need to be removed by dental scaling. Smoking also increases risk for oral cancer.
10. Use a mouth wash: Using a mouth wash ensures fresh breath. Include it in your dental hygiene routine.

By following these commandments, you will be able to keep most dental problems at bay and have a great smile.

The above chunk has been penned by sane dentist who is in truth a dental student and blogs on Sane dentist and is expert on whiten my teeth
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