Three weeks to get back a firm tummy
Getting back a firm tummy can seem like a difficult thing to most people, in fact, to some people, it’s going to seem like a dream that will never come true.
Let me ask you this question: when was the last time that you’ve enjoyed a firm belly?
If you’ve answered with something like: I don’t know, then this article is a must read for you. Getting a firm tummy again can be something very haunting and even imposlbe to achieve if you keep on doing the same things that have provoked it in the first place.
Here is a saying Einstein once said: solutions can’t come from the same level of thinking that created them.
This is a great saying that you must remember every time you eat!
What made you gain weight in your tummy will never make you lose it!
So, the first week, you must think about the things that have made you gain your weight, I’m not asking you to stop eating them or stop thinking about your health conditions, I’m only asking you to think about those foods that made you fat.
Take a sheet of paper and write down every single time the things you are eating in excess and what you can change about them.
This maybe your most important exercise in this three weeks period, so do it correctly.
One more thing, try to write more than five ideas every single day, for seven days.
It will make your mind very clear about the causes of your fat issues.
The second week, you need to start depriving yourself.
I’ve written the word deprive because it’s the truth!
Eating ice cream is unnecessary, eating cheese is unnecessary, eating chicken every single day is unnecessary; eating burgers and fries is a waste of money and opportunities to become healthy. . .
This is what I mean by depriving yourself.
Losing your tummy fat and becoming healthy is all about depriving yourself and taking fewer foods than your body actually needs and this is how you are going to make your body burn off the excess fat in your tummy and even your whole body.
Here are the foods to avoid at all: meats, everything that comes out of an animal, even cheese and milk, don’t think that this is harsh, there are many great and healthy milk alternatives, the best ones are almond milks and rice milks!
Avoid oils, any type of oil that comes out in a liquid or solid form should be avoided, like butter and margarines. . .
Now, let’s talk about the third week, you need to start moving a little.
You were designed by god to move and to get out!
You are a moving machine, just think about the reasons you have got your legs!
If you were designed to sit all day, they would have been omitted from you!
You need to start using them, at least thirty minutes every single day for at least five days a week.
It’s a must.
Read the following for more: Garlicin