How To Do Safe Hair Transplant

Hair transplantation is a surgical artistry that involves moving particular hair follicles from one part of the body to bald or balding .It is overall  used to treat male pattern baldness. In this case, grafts accommodate, hair follicles that are genetically resistant to balding are transplanted to bald scalp. Hair transplantation differs from skin implant in that grafts contain almost all of the epidermis and dermis close around, the hair follicle.
1. Strip Harvesting – Strip of scalp is removed under vernacular anesthesia, the wound is then sutured back together and that piece of scalp tissue is then cut in to little pieces of tissue that is called grafts after that it is transplanted back in to the thinning area of person’s head. This mode left a linear mark in the donor area, which must be protected by a person’s hair.
2. Follicular Unit Extraction individual follicles of hair are removed under bounded, anesthesia; this micro removal uses very small punches of between 0.6mm and 1.25mm in diameter. Every follicle is then carry  back in to the scalp in the thinning area using a micro blade. Because odd follicles are removed, only small, punctate scars remain and any post-surgical pain is minimized

It can be very difficult to decide which type of hair transplant we should choose, FUE or Strip Hair Transplants.This process involves taking one follicular unit at a time and then transplanting it. This method results in a very natural looking head of hair.The main difference between FUE and Strip Hair. Folliculer Unit Extraction takes grafts one by one from the scalp while strip grafts take a lot hair at a time.With the FUE process, there is no scarring, no carving,, and no stitches involved in the process. This process is very quick and there is minor risk of disease. The thought of not having any damage is very appealing to those who be fond of  wearing their hair very short. This type of process works well for those with a tight scalp. This is because it is hard to close the incision on people with this structure. It can be a good concept, for someone who has already had strip grafts done and has some scarring in place.Maximum density of hair transplants depends to just how close, your hair will be if the grafts take and the procedure is a success. The process of transplanting hair makes it compulsory  to have donor hair to implant on areas affected by hair loss. The donor hair taken from other areas on your head to assure, that it has a consistent effect and does not look absolutely, out of place.You will get some hair transplant have side effects that you really need to be alart before you decide to go for this procedures.It can affect on your transplanted hair and your other hair as well. Many people end up with bald patches in addition to the thinning. It is common caution accumulate your scalp, forehead, and the eyes after the procedure. It will only last a couple of days and your doctor can give you medication to help it.With this procedure Itching is very common and in some cases it is extremely severe. The itching results as scabs start to form. Sometimes ointment,can help as well. You can shampoo your scalp to relieve the problem of  itching or spray water on it from a bottle.You can ask your doctor before you use any anti itch creams, oils, or lotions on your scalp.This process is a new concept involving hair grafts that are taken from a part of the body and implanted to another. There are many advantages to this procedure over the traditional hair strip type of hair transplant. The surgeon must have take as many small hair grafts as there need. You won’t be susceptible to infections and the process is very painlessThe damage, is take out because the graft sites be contained in, very small punches in the areas and placed directly on the transplant site. These minor damages, are hard to notice.You will hardly see any scarring or pitting in the area. Since each of the follicle units is transplanted one at a time,you will end up with a better hairline.

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