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The wonders of the runners’ world rest with the runners like Lewis, Kelly Bright and Perry, who were not taken as the meddlesome or curious-minded ones. They raced the young in twenties and therefore had the respect for their performance. They have their own publications (including a perfect publication called Veteran which are published in Britain), and their own organization (Veteran Physical Culture Association), and they even hold an annual Senior Citizens’ International Olympics on their own. No wonder many of them are not only afraid of keeping a birthday, but even looking forward the advent of their birthday and considering that they will be harder to be defeated after they are promoted to the next level of age.
The exercises between the aged who are serious toward running and the young who handle the same approach to running are generally without distinction. A lot of senior citizens run a journey the same as the young do, or even more. Ted Corbett said: ″you can not run less simply because you are gradually getting oldIf you want to make an increase from five mile to marathon, you have to exercise to run farther. John Kelly runs for one hour every day most of which is under strenuous exercise. Jim McDonagh was a first-class runner when he was over fifty. He made a sixty-five-mile running exercise for a famous face of fifty-two miles from London to Brighton. Corbett himself runs a whole day from early morning every day. A few years ago, when the publishing house of Runners’ World published a brochure called Running after Forty Years Old, the editors found that there were little content can be introduced with the problems of exercise for the old runners. Because they were, as a matter of fact, mostly mentioned in the introduction on how the young exercise, they had to fill the brochure with a large number of biographical materials of the first-rate runners in their forties, fifties, sixties and seventies.
Once we turn 50 years old, there will be a marked sign in the calendar of our lives-the oldness. People who promise longevity by running have to make some rectifications with vigor. We have to keep instilling creativity into running. And this creativity is the fountain of sports, it does not only vitalize the body cells, but also keep each part of your body function vigorously, and integrate your body with your spirit absolutely. Mental Health contains physical health. When people are showed signs of age year by year, it’s essential to make a adjustment of sport course. The glamour of exercise is such plain and practical.
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