Print Cards for Any Occasion
While the holiday season is still months away, you may already want to start working on your greeting cards. Your friends, relatives and acquaintances that are miles away from you will surely appreciate receiving greeting cards from their loved ones. These print cards, which are always a pleasant surprise, will make their days a little brighter. That is because nothing beats getting print cards on one’s doorstep. Even if it is just a simple greeting card, this has a positive effect on you. Remember how you feel when your six-year-old son or nephew gives you a greeting card for Christmas. Isn’t it the most awe-inspiring thing in the whole wide world? So, whether your receiver is young or old, male or female, make print cards and distribute them to everyone you know.
Making print cards can be easy. All you need are a couple of materials, and these include your paper stock and mailing envelope. Also, you should have your personal computer and inkjet printer ready. The process of making print cards does not need high-end or fancy equipment. You may even want to settle with your raw creative skills, such as painting or illustrating. However, you can improve the quality of your print cards by making use of design software, such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. You can add visually appealing design elements that can surely make your print cards a stand out. Who knows? Maybe your print card receivers will keep them for posterity. They may even advertise your design skills to people they know, landing you other design gigs.
When making print cards, there are some considerations you need to acquaint yourself with:
– Draw your design template on paper first. It significantly helps to sketch your design theme on mind first, so that erasures and revisions can be a lot easier. If you plot the design template on your computer screen immediately, you may forget to incorporate other design elements and your thoughts may not be organized. It is important to have this, so as to guide your mind in giving you design directions.
– Once you have made a working design template for your print cards, utilize design software or computer programs to improve its appearance. If you are already adept in publications design, you can make use of the design software you are good at to your full advantage. If you are a beginner though, there are still other computer programs for your disposal. For example, you can make use of Microsoft Publisher.
– Prepare all those design elements that you are going to use. For your print cards, you may want to include photographs and other images. You may also want to make use of font styles, brushes, patterns, and other design elements. Have all these at your immediate disposal. Even before you finalize your design template, make sure that you already have these design elements.
– Write your message, and make it work. Some people take this is at the last step in making print cards. Actually, what you can do is compose your message, and make your design work around this. You may have an interesting story or a humorous tale that your receiver will enjoy. You can make the design as well as the content work together well without one overpowering the another.