Reputed Steel Forging Companies Providing Quality Products for Industries

Forging steel is a process of manufacturing by which metals are shaped using compressive forces. There is hot and cold forging. The process is carried out in factories with hammers or presses using compressed air, steam, electricity or hydraulics. There are some leading companies in Canada that forge steel and other metals to exact specifications. They supply their products to a global market.

Steel Forgings by Ontario Companies

Steel forgings Ontario companies have developed a reputation in the forging industry. Whether it is supplying the materials for diesel trucks or highway vehicles, paper industries, aircraft engines or railroad equipment, the companies provide superior quality products. With experts in the field, they are able to produce premium equipment employing advanced technologies.

The Ontario companies are also involved in secondary operations by forging steel for finishing parts. This work involves drilling, punching, swaging, bending, coining, threading and tapping. Finished parts are supplied to assembly line operations too.

Open and Closed-Die Forging

Open-die steel forgings are performed by the forging companies in Ontario. They have the infrastructure and the inventory for carrying out all types of forging work. Open-die forging is made on hydraulic presses. Whatever the shape required is forged. The operators are skilled and ensure that there is consistent accuracy from the start to the finished product. Although open-die forging is a very old procedure, it is regarded as the definitive option for custom-designed metals.

Closed-die forgings are also referred to as impression-die forging and performed by the Ontario companies. This method requires very good strength and high precision and can be performed without flash. Normally, it does not need machines to do the work. For some products, this method of forging proves to be cost-effective as you can save on the raw materials used. Closed-die method is used in the main parts of automobiles, precision machinery, aircrafts and any intricately shaped forging product.

Products and Markets for Steel Forging Companies

A wide range of open and closed-die products are made by the forging companies to meet the demands of industrial and technical markets around the world. Steel valves, rolled rings, Mandrell rings, discs, step shafts and crane hooks are manufactured by the Ontario forging companies without compromising on quality and precision.

Steel forging companies also produce equipment for a wide-range of industries. Pipe fittings, construction machinery, pumping equipment, machinery for gas and oil companies, aircraft parts and engines, railroad equipment, tanks and its components, defence hardware, rolling and steel mills are some of the industries that benefit from forgings carried out by the companies in Ontario.

For more information about Steel valves and forging you may visit:

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