Eric Hannelius Vision Payment Solutions Offers Excellent Smart Phone Solutions

Eric Hannelius Vision Payment Solutions has helped develop many successful businesses and programs for various public and private financial services, retail, marketing and commercial real estate firms. He is the President and CEO of Vision Payment Solutions; a leader in providing a range of safe and convenient smart phone solutions to the merchants so that they can easily accept payments on the go. QwickPAY Swiper is the safest way to perform any standard POS transaction with a swipe of a card. It is designed to help merchants in performing fast credit card transactions. QwickPAY Swiper is an excellent POS solution that is flexible enough to accommodate much more than just accepting payments. This easy-to-use solution helps merchants to lower their costs by as much as 30%. Also, it has the ability to accept credit and signature debit sales at any time of the day or night.

Vision Payment Solutions answers the need for smart phone solutions by extending the point of sale and allowing merchants to accept payment anywhere. ROAM Swiper is a lightweight and compact device that allows businessmen to easily accept credit cards and create new revenue streams. This Swiper is compliant with the latest data security standards and utilizes end-to-end encryption so that the customer’s sensitive details are secured. It is an affordable option for small businessmen and works with iPhones, Black Berry’s and selected Androids.

PAYware Mobile Reader is an excellent smart phone solution used by large number of merchants. The only requirement for accepting payments is just this PAYware mobile device and an iPhone. This reader is designed to survive and perform. It protects card data and allows merchants to conveniently accept payments. All transactions undertaken using this device feature geo-tagging which notes the nearest street or latitude and longitude coordinates. Eric Hannelius as President and CEO of Vision Payment Solutions is dedicated to providing safest and reliable smart phone solutions to the merchants to help them in expanding their customer base. For more details about Vision Payment Solutions, please browse through

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