Pros and Cons of Securing Comodo PremiumSSL Wildcard Certificate
The next few paragraphs illustrate features, advantages and disadvantages of Wildcard SSL certificates. As the discussion of the certificates themselves, need to understand a little bit on the subject of separate domain names Internet domain names as eBay, can be divided into an unlimited number of subdomains. After Ebay illustrations, several sub-areas may be Ebay Motors and the community, etc for many reasons, the subdomain seen as a completely separate domain than the parents, which can cause problems for buyers of security certificates.
However, there is an alternative that can help you save time and money. Wildcard SSL Certificate enables an unlimited number of subdomains for a particular domain. This is very beneficial in many plants but may have its pitfalls, which are discussed below. PremiumSSL Wildcard certificates are becoming cheaper and a lot more popular. Here we consider some of the advantages and disadvantages: Ease of Use: a Wildcard SSL certificate that you simply buy and implement a single certificate for each domain name.
Cost: although they may be more expensive compared to the same standard certificate, they can cost you money if you need to protect two or three sub-domains. Although the majority of Wildcard SSL certificates will only provide sub-domains on one web server certificates are several suppliers provide an unlimited master’s certificate, so you buy only one wildcard certificate that can be used on as many web hosts.
The implementation of 20 separate SSL-certificates can be an overwhelming activity, even when using the administrative interface. Also keep in mind that you need to do all over again when it came time to renew them. Group certification helps to deal with the upgrade.
Security whenever you use only one certificate for multiple websites and servers, it only takes a server to be compromised, and each of the others similarly affected. Mobile gadgets Compatibility: Some mobile operating systems, including Windows Mobile 5, I do not understand the wildcard, and therefore cannot use a wildcard certificate. Some companies offer an extended certificate created to work with disparate systems, including features of the sub-domains in the name of the certificate subject.
Standard SSL Certificate protects only a single domain, and Comodo PremiumSSL Wildcard Certificate further provides an unlimited number of subdomains in the domain. This reduces the number of certificates that will be needed. Wildcard SSL certificate can be more affordable than the usual number of certificates. Break-even number depends on the pricing models of individual suppliers, but usually about 2 or 3 sub-domains (which mean that you should have three or more sub-domains, it is likely to be less expensive to get a wildcard certificate.)
Comodo PremiumSSL Wildcard Certificate is a full business validation wildcard certificate. PremiumSSL Wildcard offers security over unlimited sub-domains on your site. This full business validation Wildcard certificate offers unlimited server licenses with unlimited re-issues.