Is Long Term Care Insurance Still the Solution?
Many baby boomers are expected to require long term health care but only a few of them will be able to cover the cost of care out-of-pocket. So, they are advised by financial experts to look into a long term care insurance (LTCI) policy that will help them cover expenses that they could possibly incur at home, in an assisted living facility or in a nursing home among others.
Although the benefits that it offers are acknowledged by most people who are expecting to acquire long term care (LTC) sooner or later, LTCI does not seem to come first on their list of priorities because reports about this product’s soaring premium rates never cease to scare them.
The public is much aware that these LTCI firms do not have to go through so much to raise the premium rates of their existing policies. All they have to do is to inform the state insurance commissioner of their reasons behind the planned premium increase for a set of policies and to justify the objectives of such action.
Aside from the fact that LTCI premiums are increasing by the year, not to mention by a very high percentage every time, the sudden closedown of some of the country’s leading LTCI carriers is another reason that seems to strengthen all the more the belief of many people that LTCI is not the perfect solution to their LTC needs.
Why No Other Plan Has Surpassed Long Term Care Insurance
Despite being hounded by endless controversies, LTCI remains to be the single largest investment which any individual with substantial assets and income can make.
Compared to the current and future costs of care in the country, the price of an LTCI policy is definitely more affordable. However, a potential policyholder has to apply for coverage early and while he is still in perfect shape, or else he might be rejected by all prospective insurers.
While some people think 45 years old is still too young for one to be thinking of his LTC, a big number of residents in Florida younger than this age have successfully clinched their LTCI policies already. Most of these young investors say they have witnessed how their grandparents’ LTC needs had forced their parents’ earnings to go down the drain.
It is natural for any son and daughter to want to be there for their parents once they start to require LTC and this is precisely why today’s young adults have taken the initiative to plan their future health care needs. In case they wind up using a big portion of their assets to cover the LTC expenses of their parents, who have completely neglected to plan their future while taking care of their folks, at least these responsible young people won’t suffer when it’s their turn to receive LTC. They can simply count on their LTCI policies to cover their expenses.
If you have not purchased your long term care insurance policy yet, this is the best time to request your LTCI quotes. Ask your trusted broker to help you out and you’ll be surprised to learn that an LTCI policy is not at all passé in the industry.