404 Million Units, Billion Problems but 1 Solution
As per Gartner, a leading information technology research and advisory firm by the end of 2012, there would be about 404 million PC units across the globe that would be 10.9 percent more than the previous year figure. In the United States alone half of the men and women population is using the computer and Internet services. Internet access and use of web-based applications or services is the major cause that fosters people to use computer, embedded or handheld devices at their home or office. As per the US Census Report 2011, this miracle has engrossed people from all walks of life. In the age group, 18-34 year, 33.34 percent, 35-54 year, 41.31 percent, and from 55 to above the population percentage is 25.35. They are using it for varied purposes including surfing information, sharing stuffs, and communicating with peers and family, and do business.
Beyond doubt, computer and Internet have eased jobs in all sectors, but that doesn’t mean that computing is free of errors or problems. When from personal and social to professional lives all have gone soaked with computing and its derivatives then it becomes substantial to have a system to take care of such problems and solutions on real-time to avoid any chaos. This demand has been fulfilled with the inception of Computer Support Service field. The first approach was initiated by local PC repair technicians who used to provide on-site service to fix computer problems. Gradually, it become some more professional with the instrumentation of computer repair shop or center. But these means were meager to fulfill the requirement of growing customer-base. By the time, manufacturers also realized the value of customer service to get a grip on market and outdo others. These models continued for a long time, and some are still in practice specifically when there are some hardware problems where replacement of processor, motherboard, hard-disk, optical drive is required.
But the development of remote desktop software brought a revolutionary change in the outlook of Computer Support services. Internet powered it to gain a deep penetration in the remote consumer base. Now, without any physical interaction, a technician can look into a remote PC or laptop, analyze the status of different system and Windows’ components, and can accordingly troubleshoot or fix those in a quick and easy manner. Some remote tools are operating system specific while others can provide OS interoperability (cross-platform across various versions of Windows, Mac OS X, UNIX, and Linux). Most of the software applications follow the high-level SSL protocols and encryption technology to provide secure sharing of the files and data at the time of remote access.
How it works? Needless to say that it is an important aspect. Actually, the controlling computer is able to take a snap or image of the controlled system’s screen, and that image copy keeps on updating in a regular interval whenever a change on screen is noticed by the remote control software. The keyboard and mouse inputs get transmitted through the remote software from the master PC to slave PC, and hence, concerned technician is able to work on a remote system as though he is sitting in front of it, eventually a new discipline was coined as Remote Computer Support. This is indeed a great success that helps users to avail compute help services at the comfort of their home or office.