Four Must Have Resources for Cracking Any SAP Certification Exam

One must be equipped with proper resources to crack the SAP certification exam. In the last post, the best method to learn was explained. But, we did not delve in to various resources that may be needed, ccna exam answers
especially if you have little or no experience in the domain that you choose to get certified. SAP books are more than enough if you already have good domain experience.

You need to remember that the most important resource is the SAP books. Still, let us look at few resources that you may need in case of doubts.

First one is the SAP certification syllabus. You need to know which topics are relevant and what is the mark distribution. This is what the syllabus specifies. It gives a goal to target. It reduces a lot of unwanted work and gives you more time for revising the already learned concepts.

Next resource is the SAP help website. It has a detailed explanation on each topic covered in the books with examples. This must be the first place to look for an answer if you have a doubt. One thing is that comptia a practice exams
, you need to first search where your domain is located on the website. This will take a few minutes. Bookmark it. Alternatively, you may type in Google your domain and the SAP help website name. For example ‘sales and distribution in’.

Third resource is a forum that has a reputation of having the brightest minds with SAP knowledge. This is a ultimate resource if you use it carefully. Do not spam or ask unnecessary questions to attract attention. The people here are experienced guys who mean business. They are there to give help to the SAP community. Once a question is asked, just wait at least for a day for the answer. Many a times it takes few minutes to get the answers. See how questions have been asked in the past. You may also search the forum as many questions asked are repetitive. This saves you time. The forum is called Ittoolbox.

Last resource is the search engine ‘Google’. It has a tendency to give very accurate searches as well as few vague ones. That is why it comes last on our list. Many a times it gives results from SAP-help and Ittoolbox. You may also get good results from Scribd where people may have uploaded few good documents.

So, these are few more resources to crack the SAP certification other than the books. I must also warn you that these resources are addictive. You may tend to spend a lot of time on them. So, use them wisely.

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