Green tea and its numerous health positive aspects
The Asian neighborhood has made use of diverse teas and organic remedies since ahead of the Terrific wall of China (over 3000 years in the past) and green tea has stood out as one of its hallmark and many useful constituents. Green tea continues to be utilised to deal with almost everything from heart attacks, stroke to infections like sepsis (blood infection) and quite a few other circumstances and maladies.
Lots of scientific studies happen to be undertaken to analysis and extract the helpful and helpful compounds in Green tea that exhibit these medicinal characteristics. Latest scientific research listed in Chemical & Engineering News (produced by the American Chemical Society) show many advantages from the various compounds contained in green tea leaves (polyphenols like EGCG, a powerful antioxidant that inhibits the rapid growth of cancer cells without harming healthy cells).
Studies done at Harvard and Cornell Universities on these polyphenols have shown a marked decline in carcinogen activity (up to 60% blocking reduction in oxidation capabilities) and even a biocide or antiseptic quality (hence the recent research on green tea polyphenols and tooth and gum illness). Green tea has shown and evidenced antibacterial properties and extra investigation in this area is needed.
Green tea polyphenols inhibit and retard cancer growth in each and every study and form of cancer from liver most cancers to uterine and breast most cancers. It is important to note, that although no most cancers in these research was completely cured, duration of survival and quality of life were increased in every circumstance. EGCG, due to its abilities to retard most cancers with no known side effects is currently being researched to see if higher concentrations and / or much more powerful synthetic derivatives could be employed as a replacement for the latest highly toxic chemotherapy.
Study after study shows a vast reduction in onset and risk of various cancers and illness. Other green tea findings included a study of smokers at the Arizona Most cancers Center in Tucson showing that four cups of decaffeinated green tea every single day for four months provided some protection against potentially carcinogenic damage to DNA, as measured by the amount of an enzyme in the urine. Lots of studies have linked green tea to lower risk for breast, pancreatic, colon, esophageal, and lung cancers. University of Purdue researchers recently concluded that a compound in green tea inhibits the growth of most cancers cells. There is also research indicating that drinking green tea lowers total cholesterol levels, as properly as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol. The polyphenols inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the digestive tract, which actually helps lower the amount of LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream.
Basically, to sum this up, green tea continues to be proven to reduce the risk of cancer and retard the growth of most cancers cells in each and every case and for this reason alone should be incorporated into every single diet. Just 4 cups of green tea per day continues to be found to slow and retard breast most cancers in women (Japanese scientists at the Saitama Most cancers Research Institute). 4 cups of green tea daily gives the optimal amount of polyphenols for the best results.
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