A Few Tips For Lower Electricity And Energy Bills
An increasing number of people are looking for ways to lower electricity and energy bills. This has become a necessity in today’s economy. There are several ways to reduce the amount of money that you pay every month without making major changes to your lifestyle. Some people live in places where they have the option of choosing their suppliers but this choice is not available to everybody. The following are a few ways to reduce your monthly utility bill.
Make sure your home is properly insulated. Cooled air can easily leak through cracks along door and window frames. You can plug up these cracks with caulk and weather-stripping. The attic is another part of the house that does not get enough insulation. The heating and cooling efficiency of your home can improve by as much as 20% if the attic is properly insulated.
Another way to get lower electricity and energy bills is to purchase Energy Star appliances such as water heaters, washers and refrigerators. These appliances use lower amounts of electric power than non-rated appliances. Sometimes, you might have to pay more money for these appliances but you are going to get your money back from the savings that you will make on utility bills.
You should also consider replacing appliances that are more than ten to fifteen years old. Most of these appliances are not designed to conserve power and you will save a lot of money if they are replaced. Modern devices are more efficient and they are cheaper to operate that their older counterparts.
Check the heating and cooling equipment that you presently have. A certified HVAC technician should be called for a complete inspection of your air-conditioning, heating and ventilation system. This inspection is to make sure that they are working at peak efficiency. Systems that are not operating at their highest efficiency will use more power. An annual inspection will help you to lower electricity and energy bills.
Develop the habit of unplugging your gadgets. Most gadgets continue to use a measure of electric power when they are switched off as long as they are plugged to the power source. Standby power for these gadgets can account for about 5% to 10% of the total power consumption of your home. Make sure that your gadgets are unplugged when they are not in use.
Change your light bulbs. This is one of the easiest things that you can do to lower electricity and energy bills. Consider changing all your incandescent bulbs to fluorescents. Fluorescent bulb may cost more money but they are much cheaper to run. Compact fluorescents use less electric power than traditional bulbs and they also produce less heat.
These are just a few of the things that you can do to lower electricity and energy bills in your home. If power supply is deregulated in your state, you can also consider switching to an alternate supplier. This can help you to save 5% to 15% per month. You could also choose a time-of-use plan that will enable you to pay less for electricity that is used during off-peak hours.
Finding how to save on your Electric Energy Bills is not hard. If you are looking for more information on Energy Master Agent, review the website to find out more.