70-433 questions and answers

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Microsoft TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Database Development 70-433
Exam Number/Code : 70-433
Exam Name : TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Database Development
One year free update
Once failed,100% refund
Questions and Answers : 141Q&As
Update Time : 2012-5-1
Price :  $79.00

The 70-433 Candidates should have one to two years of experience using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or two to three years of experience using a previous version of SQL Server. Candidates for this exam are IT professionals who work in jobs in which database development is their main area of responsibility, or they work in environments in which databases are central to their primary job roles. These job roles include the following:
•IT generalists who work in environments in which SQL Server 2008 R2 is part of an overall solution
•IT professionals who manage systems that run SQL Server 2008 R2
•Developers who build applications that use SQL Server 2008 R2
•IT professionals who work with third-party applications that are built on SQL Server 2008 R2

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You need to write a query that uses a ranking function that returns the sequential number of a row within a partition of a result set, starting at 1 for the first row in each partition.
Which Transact-SQL statement should you use?
B. NTILE(10)
Answer: D

You need to write a query that allows you to rank total sales for each salesperson into four groups, where the top 25 percent of results are in group 1, the next 25 percent are in group 2, the next 25 percent are in group 3, and the lowest 25 percent are in group 4.
Which Transact-SQL statement should you use?
C. NTILE(25)
D. NTILE(100)
Answer: B

The TS exam 70-433 test certification enhance your skills and makes you much capable and expert that you can go all over the world and can get a high ranked job with good salary package in any multinational company. 70-433 certification enhance your skills and makes you enough competent that you can attain several achievements for which you can just dreamt of. To have only a simple qualification in this modern day world does not mark you up dated. You must have to go for some extra certifications that must be eminent among others.

With the complete collection of actual exam questions, Be IT Certified has assembled to take you through Q&As to your MCTS 70-433 Exam preparation, you will cover every field and category helping to ready you for your successful MCTS Certification. Test4actual offers free demo for Microsoft MCTS exam. You can check out the interface, question quality and usability of 70-433 Brain Dumps before you decide to buy it. We are the only one site can offer demo for almost all tests.

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