Feasible Tips to Reduce the Maintenance Cost For You
Here are six things every pool owner should do in order to keep things running properly and avoid costly pool repairs.
Owning a pool is very expensive, but when you add the cost of pool repairs onto the regular cost of simply owning the pool, the price goes through the roof. The truth of the matter is that anyone can afford to own a pool if they make an effort to maintain it properly.
1. Keep the skimmer basket and the lint pot clear. The number one thing pool owners forget to do is empty out the skimmer and the lint pot. It is incredible how two things that are so small can create such a big problem inside the pool. When these two items get clogged, you end up with poor circulation, which can create major issues down the road. The best thing about this one is that it is so easy that anyone can do it, and it only takes a few minutes.
2. Run the pump for about an hour for every 10 temperature degrees outside. This is a good rule of thumb for every pool owner to understand because it does help to keep the water circulating properly. This will cut down on the need for some chemical adjustments because you’ll be regulating the flow naturally. If the water isn’t circulating properly, then you are much more likely to need pool repairs.
3. Don’t backwashes the sand filter too often. Finally, we have a tip that has to do with not doing something too much. The key with this one is to watch that pressure gauge. When it gets up between 8 and 10 PSI from the clean position, then it is time to backwash the filter. If you do it too often, not only are you wasting water, but you will never get to experience all of the potential that filter has to offer.Henan Hongxing Mining Machinery Co., Ltd is the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machinery, for example,jaw crusher,ore beneficiation Welcome all of you to visit our official website.stone crusher:http://www.hx-crushers.com/p65.html
4. Check your total dissolved solids on a regular schedule. Total dissolved solids need to be checked every 6 months. Also check the calcium hardness every month all year round. In Phoenix, pool season is longer than it is in some other parts of the country, so keep that in mind and check all of your chemicals accordingly.
5. Don’t let the pH in your pool get over 8.0. In order to keep your pool clean, the pH must be no higher than 8.0. If it is allowed to get much higher than that, then you will need a lot of help trying to figure out why your pool isn’t as clean as it should be. The pH balance in your pool is quite delicate.
6. Check your chemicals year round. In the warmer climates, it is necessary to keep a closer eye on your pool water, even during the winter months when it may not necessarily be quite warm enough to get in the pool. A good rule of thumb for pool owners in Phoenix is to check the chemical levels two times a week during the summer months and just once a week during the winter.
When you do have something that needs repaired, it is essential that you take care of it right away, especially when you’re dealing with parts like a broken or missing drain or any other source of suction within the pool. These are very dangerous, especially for small children, so be sure that you get these problems repaired right away.