Hongxing uses various ways to appeal customers
Hongxing ball mill innovation to serve the society_Ivylm522our sales staff, and every day all over the country, customers around the world, Exchange, sharing ball-related knowledge, such as the selection of ball mill, ball mill installation, latest technology of ball mill, ball mill work appears in a variety of problems, and so on. There are crusher machine several ways of communication, including telephone communication, on the web communication platform, want, QQ, email, MSN and other means to communicate. In the Office building of the State machinery, by the Department of domestic e-commerce promotion, international promotion Department, Service Department, Sales Department, Technology Department, the Department of after-sales service make up. Customer issues are resolved by the relevant functional departments in charge.
In order to get first-hand information of the company, Hongxing often make the various departments cooperate. Yesterday after sales department received 2 cement ball mills are representative of the difficulty, crusher machine to share with you:
1, Shangrao, Jiangxi province to customer calls Advisory: why the mill inlet there is Jaw Crusher always a surplus of material from entering equipment?
Customers call: last March the Division I-a 2100*4500 cement mill, recently discovered the device, on a ball is placed in the same horizontal line, inlet and outlet always has some material overflow, do not know what the reason? Taiwan technicians according to the customer’s circumstances, because the customer is responsible for the temporary replacement of staff of ball mill operation, new staff familiar enough for some operation, put on the material beyond the requirements of the device itself, so material overflow occurs on both sides, causing a waste of material. After you adjust the amount of feed device is working properly. vibrating screen:http://www.crusher-machine.com/8.html
dryer machine:http://www.hxjqchina.com/product-list_35.html
2, Gansu customer quality score and how to adjust ball mill grinding fineness?
Explain quality of grinding and grinding fineness of grinding quality score means:
grinding quality refers to the concentration of pulp mill equipment; the grinding fineness is the mill discharge level of content is specified in. Concentration of grinding and grinding fineness is interlinked and influence each other, production operation primarily by grinding in feed water (water) in control. Provides detailed communication technicians and customers, including how to adjust the impact of these factors on the ball, and so on.
For important news of the State machinery, for details of the company’s future plans and operations, for equipment problems in operation and so on, I will use the text down, through the company’s main Web site to share with you, let you know about a real nation, a prosperous machinery is slowly growing.