How To Prevent Dog Attacks At Home

Our homes are the last place we can think of any harm to our kids. Although we take extra precautions to ensure that our children are safe when they go off to school on the playground and pool, we often take our homes as a safe place – a place protected by locks, alarm systems and even a family dog. The most timid kind of dog breeds also seem to be trigerred by small kids.

It was rather one of the most horryfying experiences for a family in San Diego to find their infant lifeless. In the early hours of Saturday, July 31 to August 1, 2010 while his mother slept, a boy, two years, was bitten by the family German shepherd. The Rady Children’s Hospital doctors declared the boy dead when he was moved into the emergency room. The boy’s father who served the armed forces was sent back subsequent to this attack.

Most of the children are exposed to dog bites. Each year, about 4.There are about 5 million Americans that are sufferers of dog attacks. There are more than 800,000 Americans that come to the hospitals due to dog attacks. Half of the number of this is about 386,000 cases that kids are and need immediate medical treatment out of which 16 kids die with dog injuries. The risk is greater for children aged between 5 and 9 years. Most of the kids belonging to the age of 4 years are prone to get injured in the head or in the neck. Boys are more often victims of dog attacks than girls.

One should train their dog to mingle with everyone no matter whatever breed it is so as to minimize the dog attack. One should avoid wrestling or playing tug of war with the dog so that it does not enhance the aggression in it. In contrast, you should encourage the behavior of your dog to obey commands or releasing toys or the food he has in his mouth without grumbling – a submission which should be encouraged.

Irrespective of the kind of dog strain you have even if it is a puppy it is not advisable to leave kids and young ones near them. Most of the kids do not understand when a dog is irriated and likes to stay alone and shows it by howling.

The stray dogs should be stayed away from by the kids while at play or going to the school. It is best to avoid even an eye contact with these dogs even if they are only puppies. One should keep their cool and not agitate the dog by shouting loudly as the dog gets trigger with these kind of loud noises further. When there is an attack and one person is brough down to the floor they should instantly roll themselves in the form of a ball and stay without any movement. There has to be immdeiate medical attention given.

One may have to face a dog attack situation at any place inclusing ones own home. The number of children that are getting injured due to dog attacks is increasing in hundreds each year.

Find more articles on dog and dog breeds list.

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