Shanxi Coal 10,000 Yuan Purchase Behavior There Is A False

Abstract: Ping Lu District, Shuozhou restructuring in the coal series of problems, after submission of the manuscript, caused widespread concern in the community. Ping Lu Ward 22, the local government Web site late at night to “respond” to the reporters to make some different views.

    Shun Net News 20, the Xinhua News Agency “Xinhua Viewpoint” column broadcast “puzzling” property transfer “?? Shanxi Ping Lu 1 billion worth of business to 10 thousand yuan to sell personal controversy,” a draft of the disclosure of the Shuozhou City Ping Lu district restructuring in the coal series of problems, after submission of the manuscript, which attracted wide concern. Ping Lu Ward 22, the local government Web site late at night to “respond” to the reporters to make some different views.

    To further clarify the facts, “Xinhua viewpoint” press on the 24th afternoon and came up Pinglu district investigation, interviewed the district government and district land, finance, trade, safety supervision and other department heads, and 25 in Beijing at the invitation of Land and Resources sector authorities and experts to conduct assessment on the case and found that Lu district government level, “10,000 yuan coal transfer incident,” there is not only contrary to national policy, there are mine permit application and other documents forgery and other restructuring actions.

    1 Q: How much value Dongliang mine in the end

    Please press on the 20th professional assessment reports are to be estimated reserves of 10 million tons of coal a conservative value of eastern beam is 315 million. In response, Ping Lu district government in the “response” in that the algorithm “unscientific.”

  Why not transfer assessment??

    Dong Liang mine whether the worth, the answer depends first on legitimate scientific assessment. State Department “exploration Regulations” Article states: “Transfer of state-funded survey by the formation of prospecting and mining rights, and must be assessed.” “Interim Measures for Transfer of State Assets Management” provides that the transfer of state-owned property in need of property assessment, assessment report is a reference purchase price.

    In this connection, the Deputy Director of Land and Natural Resources Information Centre, said Li Yuwei interview, mineral rights transfer, if mining rights in government hands, it should be linked to government-led bidding, auction, selling to the mining rights in the hands. State-owned asset management sector, to conduct effective supervision, that transfer is reasonable, whether the loss of state assets and so on.

    China Mining Society of Appraisers, said Deputy Secretary-General Wang 4 light, the law explicitly provides transfer of state-funded form of prospecting and mining rights, must be assessed according to the law by the State Council department in charge of geology and mineral resources assessment set by law. There are some local governments are not assessed on the transfer, which is illegal.

    Since the assessment is the premise of the transfer of state-owned property, then the transfer process of the East beam mine how to do it, Vice Mayor Lu Ping Rory and a number of department heads in an interview admitted that “no assessment of the mining rights,” and that “not counted, well considered, very difficult to count.”

    Experts believe that there is no assessment on the transfer of coal mine restructuring Dongliang first violation of national legislation for the state-owned assets were sold to fraudsters foreshadowed. Ping Lu District, in accordance with the “response”, the East beam coal conversion in the “1 million worth of” purchase price is “total assets” minus “total debt”, its total assets do not include the most important mining rights.

  Reserves in the end is how much??

    Ministry of Land Reserves official said, the biggest mining company’s assets is in fact reserves. And on East Liang coal resource reserves more than one version appears, from the Shanxi Coal Resource Management Board and other departments in 1988 the number of copies of documents, the East beam coal reserves 15,110,000 tons of coal; another from Ping Lu District Land Resources Bureau, “About Ping Lu area, coal mining companies mergers and acquisitions integration program schedule” shows “East Liang coal” resources, the reserves to 3,400 tons; However, coal mine restructuring program in the East beam, this figure was only 2.29 million tons. For such a large error, Ping Lu Zhi-Yong Wei, secretary of Economic and Trade Bureau discipline admitted: “restructuring program in the East beam 2.29 million tons of coal reserves was wrong, is the omission of his work, according to data from the end of 2005, the total coal reserves of the East beam should be more than 3400 tons. ”

    Mining rights issue is how to count??

    For the reporters mentioned in the generic industry in Shanxi, “tons of coal margin” algorithm, a long-term follow-up study in Shanxi coal Legal Policy Gao Jian, vice president of the Bar Association of Health, said in an interview, “This is a kind of assessment of the value of coal resources pricing method, there is no problem. ”

    Some experts believe that this approach is too simple. Wang said four light, mineral reserve value assessment affected by many factors, specific to the coal, the depth, such as coal, mining thickness, coal quality situation, environmental factors, the estimated discounted cash flow method, the comparable sales approach, income equity method and so on, on the international use of the discounted cash flow method, but according to local government and relevant departments to provide specific data for calculation.

    Ping Lu district government’s “response”, said: “East beam has to pay 10 million tons coal mining right purchase price, can only transfer 10 million tons of mining right, mining right … … that is mine, only 22.5 million yuan in value.”

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