How to Market Yourself as a Real Estate Yiwu Agent
Your goal as a real estate yiwu agent is to create optimal “Top of Mind Awareness,” or TOMA. TOMA is simply putting your name as a Realtor into the minds of the community. How often have you had a friend or family member sell their home through another agent simply because they forgot you were a Realtor? Here’s some tips to help you begin developing your own TOMA.
Find Your Angle. What makes you different than all the rest of the Realtors? What is your niche? Do you specialize in foreclosures, short sales, baby boomers, new homeowners or investors? Or maybe your unique angle is in your sales strategy. Do you have creative marketing techniques or excellent negotiating skills? Think through your strengths as they relate to your business and write them down.
Create a Slogan. People remember catchy slogan. “Just do it.” “Drink milk.” “I’m lovin’ it.” Play with words and develop h a memorable slogan. Use something that fits your business, your niche and your personality. You can look in the yellow pages under Realtors or search online for “real estate slogans” to help jumpstart your creative juices. Depending on your name, you could even tie it into your slogan. I read one recently that said “If you can’t sell your home … ‘I KEN’.” It’s always to keep in mind the “what’s in it for me” concept. Your slogan should tell potential clients how they will benefit. Simply saying “I’m the best” doesn’t really tell them what their benefit is.
Apply the Slogan. Once you’ve chosen an unforgettable slogan, apply it wherever possible: Your website, business card, mailings, brochures, car sign, listing/buying presentations, etc. The more exposure, the more TOMA you will begin to generate. And resist the urge to change your slogan if you begin to grow bored with it. Be consistent.
Network Online. Do you have a Facebook? A Twitter account? A LinkedIn account? You’ve heard the buzz and it’s all true. These are key social networking tools. For example, I have well over 300 “friends” on Facebook. By posting a sentence or two on what I am doing on any given day, I have the possibility of a lot of those friends reading my post. So, if I post “Putting up a new sale sign today, taking home photos, posting two new listings and showing five homes today. Whew! And that’s all before lunch!,” I’ve just reminded 300+ friends of my profession.
They’re all free. Simply research online. If you’re not familiar with blogging, it’s not scary. It’s simply a paragraph or two of journaling about yourself and/or your business. You can even use it to inform people about the market. It simply gives you more exposure. You can post a link to this on your website and even from of the social networking sites we mentioned in the previous step.
Personal Notes. Don’t underestimate the power of personal notes. Send your clients thank you cards, thinking of you cards, holiday cards, etc. Spend half an hour every morning or set a goal of writing 10 personal notes a day. You’d be surprised the impact you will make on people.
Unique Marketing. Find a unique marketing tool that will help you stand out from the rest. I know one agent who has specific communities she markets to. She uses “holidays,” such as National Popcorn Day, to help boost her efforts. She creatively packaged small bags of popcorn and dropped them off door-to-door with a card wishing homeowners “Happy National Popcorn Day”.
Be Varied. Use different media and techniques to create TOMA. Combine mailings, door-to-door, online social networking and other means to reach your prospective clients. If they see your ad in the paper, receive your newsletter and a personal email within a period of a couple of months – and you’ve included your amazing slogan on all three – you’re going to be their go-to person in real estate yiwu agent.