Iphone Explosion Caused By An Explosion Unicom Attention
Six new mobile users of China Unicom 7.01 million, much lower than China Mobile 3587
Million and China Telecom’s 11.37 million. Increment of 680,000 in July also hit a record low of the year, GSM subscriber growth weak, had a serious impact on the performance of them. China Unicom Center Daily News revealed first half operating revenue 78.49 billion yuan, 6.51 billion yuan profit, business profits fell 42.1%.
At the same time, China Unicom announced the formal and Apple reach iPhone
Sell Agreement, and to raise the second half performance, particularly 3G development goals. However, according to media reports, the current Apple iPhone has been the explosion in European countries, the EU has formally involved in the investigation. If negative findings on Apple, iPhone will affect the global reputation, affect Unicom’s 3G plans.
Phone Weak subscriber growth, behind China Mobile China Telecom
“I thought then, Unicom will be the end of G / C, two networks, Internet Expo, G sharp growth in net users.” One industry after reading the mid-year report, it seems a bit disappointed. “However, China Unicom can achieve such results fairly anticipated and” Country Gold Securities analyst Chen Yun-hong said, “in the first half by the economic crisis, three major telecom operators in terms of traffic, or price, are a drop in the situation. coupled with the introduction of 3G services, new business and investment in network construction increased, the pressure will inevitably increase profitability. ”
China Unicom released mid-year report shows that China Unicom the first half of the cumulative net increase of 7.012 million GSM users, ARPU was 41.7 yuan, down 4.3%. Mobile Service Implementation
Communicate Service Income of 34.19 billion yuan, up 5.7%.
7 months, China Unicom GSM subscribers increased 680,000, a record low during the year.
Earlier, China Mobile and China Telecom also announced mid-year report. China Mobile this year, 35.87 million new subscribers during the first half, but the first half of the number of users increased by 19%, 25% lower than the same period last year. Benefit from the upgrading and optimization of mobile networks, China Telecom, the mobile users reached 39.28 million, compared with a net increase of 11.37 million last year, an increase of 40.7%.
Although the three operators have entered the era of all-business competition, but mobile service remained a top priority, especially in the current telecom market in China has fully entered the era of 3G, 3G user has become the key to the performance of operators .
However, the development of 3G operators can not equate 2G, after all, the three operators of 3G networks, there are differences, even the second half of next year will be a critical period.
Explosions have occurred, or the impact of iPhone sales
To 3G, to get rid of the depression of the mobile users, China Unicom in the newspaper in the day announced the official introduction of Apple iPhone. However, Apple in Europe after another “explosion” seems to wish it all good cast a shadow.
SEOUL August 29 report, Apple’s iPhone has exploded in Belgium. 15-year-old Belgian user El Salvador (Salvatore) iPhone ready in just raised phone, the phone suddenly exploded. Although not seriously hurt, but the young so headache for several days. Recently, the spate of bombings over the screen from the iPhone, only France had received at least 10 cases of problem reports. In mid-August that a French man iPhone screen explosion injured eye. 24, 26-year-old supermarket security Anya Su Li? Bu Hadi send text messages using the iPhone, the screen suddenly exploded, debris scratched the Bu Hadi in the eye. It is learned that after Apple phones have been sold in France, nearly one million.
In addition, in the United States, Britain, the Netherlands, Sweden, similar incidents have also occurred. This has attracted the attention of the European Union. European Commission and other European institutions are to follow up users
Apple’s smart phone, fever, screen damage, automatic bursting, and asked for its 27 member states reporting similar cases.
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