How to turn your cell phone into a credit card terminal
Since the practice of cash purchase is getting minimized and is being replaced by credit purchase and online payment, companies, shops and malls are changing the set up of their billing departments to make them suitable for accepting payments of advanced modes. Time crunch had forced people to give up the habit of exploring stores and malls physically to check out stocks of products some years ago and had prompted them to get habituated with internet shopping on computer and now availability of internet connection on mobiles has made things even simpler. A person don’t even need a laptop to purchase a product online these days, they can simply switch on the internet from their phone menu and buy things while traveling on a car or train. Similarly a shop owner needs not to sit in front of the billing counter to accept payments and can do that while moving. People these days pay through credit cards and other types of cards using their mobile phones, thanks to advanced payment processing software solutions that are designed to enable stores take credit cards on Blackberry. You can Take credit cards on Android phones too, if the necessary payment processing software solutions are available with you.
And if you or your shop is not yet ready to Take credit cards on Blackberry, Android and other cell phone platform, It’s high time you get one, otherwise, you are sure to lose revenue in bulk. Not aware of firms offering advanced payment processing software solutions? Don’t you worry! Simply log on to and get what you need. is the official website of The Merchant Solutions (TMS), the undisputed leader in US, in terms of production of advanced payment processing solutions that are apt for accepting cashless payments in the most advanced modes. The Merchant Solutions offers advanced Credit card terminals, credit card machines and customized software solutions and devices that turn even mobile phones into POS (Point of Sale) machines.
If taking cards on Android or your Blackberry is convenient for you than accepting payments on your portal, you can choose a payment processing solution from TMS’ mCommerce range of solutions. To meet the needs of companies and shop owners, more comfortable in accepting credit card payments through cellphones, TMS has developed
its mCommerce range and it is absolutely apt for you, if you want to take credit cards on Android or Blackberry. The company is making efforts to extend the capacity of the mCommerce Solutions so that you can take credit cards through cell phone even if it is not a Blackberry or Android.
Your job is simple. To make your Blackberry or Android cellphone, just log on to, click on the product tab and then select mobile solutions from the drop down menu. Check out the page on mCommerce and then order for it online. Then do business with people while traveling or sitting at a place, miles away from your store by accepting credit cards on your cell phone.
About the author:
Now turn your mobile phone into a credit card or POS terminal by installing The Merchant Solutions’ mCommerce payment processing solution. To know more information log on to