Common Hong Kong legal jobs questions
Due to tough economic conditions world is facing it has become difficult to get new Hong Kong legal jobs. You have just one chance to impress recruiters and you don’t want to waste it. The best method for preparing for Hong Kong legal jobs interviews is to have pre-ready answers of questions which would be asked when you are facing interviews for Hong Kong legal jobs.
Strength related answer
Pick the three biggest attributes that you think will get you the job and give examples of how you have used these strengths in a work situation. They could be tangible skills, such as proficiency in a particular computer language, or intangible skills such as good man-management.
Do you have any weaknesses?
This question is best handled by picking something that you have made positive steps to redress. For example, if your IT ability is not at the level it could be, state it as a weakness but tell the interviewer about training courses or time spent outside work hours you have used to improve your skills.
Why you over other candidates?
What makes you special and where do your major strengths lie? You should be able to find out what they are looking for from the job description. “I have a unique combination of strong technical skills and the ability to build long-term customer relationships” is a good opening sentence, which can then lead onto a more specific example of something you have done so far in your career.
On your goals
It’s best to talk about both short-term and long-term goals when you are in interview for Hong Kong legal jobs. Talk about the kind of job you’d eventually like to do and the various steps you will need to get there, relating this in some way back to the position you’re interviewing for. Show the employer you have ambition, and that you have the determination to make the most of every job you have to get where you want to be.
Why you want to be here?
The interviewer is listening for an answer that indicates you’ve given this some thought. If you’ve prepared for the interview properly, you should have a good inside knowledge of the company’s values, mission statement, development plans and products. Use this information to describe how your goals and ambition matches their company ethos and how you would relish the opportunity to do Hong Kong legal jobs.
Robert Walters giving advice for Hong Kong legal jobs at