Benefits Of Using An Elliptical Trainer
A cross-trainer is an exercise machine that stimulates movements such as stair climbing, walking, and running without pressurizing the joints. It first entered the market in the 1990s. However, a more compact cross-trainer was invented by Larry D Miller for Precor in 2004.
A cross-trainer or an elliptical trainer is used by adopting a standing position with your back straight and spine in a neutral position while gripping the hand rails and striding forward or backward in a smooth controlled motion. Ensure that your weight is equally distributed among your feet by aligning your hips, knees, and ankles.
Elliptical trainers are used for cardiovascular workouts, and the intensity of the workout can be adjusted as per your requirements. Even people with minor injuries can use the cross-trainer to stay fit, unlike other exercise machines.
Today, most cross-trainers are meant for upper and lower body workouts, but only a few focus on working out the lower body. They can be used without any energy source by using the motion generated by the user or by being plugged to a power source. It can be compared to a treadmill, but it produces an elliptical range of motion, which is similar to the motion generated during cycling. High-end models offer the perfect combination of arm and leg exercise in the right ratio.
As the stride between two pedals is lengthened, more calories are burned without any excess exertion. By using the cross-trainer without holding the hand grips of the machine, one can increase their level of stability and balance. By doing so the core muscles stay under tension constantly, which is one of the main advantages? This method is harmful for beginners as there are chances of falling from the machine.
Some people claim that the workout obtained from a cross-trainer is more intense than the workout obtained from a treadmill as more calories are burned. A workout of higher intensity can be achieved in lesser time for a cross-trainer due to the coordination of various muscles. However, researches have shown that the physiological responses from a cross-trainer exercise were nearly identical to a treadmill exercise.
A cross-trainer generates lesser noise when compared to the treadmill as the user does not take his feet off the pedals while working out, which makes it suitable for exercising at home.
Get more information on: elliptical
For more information visit: buy elliptical bike