How To Make Your Property Predator Proof With Electronic Help

It has long been a homeowner’s dream to be able to move out of the big city, and into the countryside, where life is safer and quieter. Once the move is complete, you settle in, reveling in the silence of the night outside. Suddenly, you hear a crash coming from the back of the house. You rush outside, and spy a pair of something scurrying off into the brush. The source of the crash turns out to be the two garbage cans beside the garage. Looks like you will be needing predator proof measures soon.


Ways That You Can Predator Proof Your Property


While the suburbs might seem peaceful on the surface, at night, the game changes. Suddenly, your property becomes the domain of some very common predators, looking for food. Gardens, trees, and even the garbage cans can become tempting targets for rabbits, deer and raccoons, and your best bet is to find some way to predator proof your property. It’s either that, or spend a lot of sleeplessness nights.


Being able to predator proof your property has been a standard for country life for some time now, so much so that there are hundreds of companies on the Internet today offering solutions. They will range from chemical-based deterrents all the way up to electronic deterrent units that you can have installed wherever they will do the most good. Fencing will work, but at some point, there may be a visitor who is just too smart to fall for the standard tricks of deterring predators.


Smart Critters And Electronic Measures


There are creatures out there that are considered to be predators because of their insistence on getting into anything man considers to be his, the garden and even the garbage. The worst offender of all of them is the raccoon, a creature who is a lot smarter than most people give them credit for. Not only are their paws very like a human’s hands, they are very adaptive in the wild. If they discover a deterrent has been used on an area, it will avoid the area, but only until they figure a way around it. This makes it very difficult to predator proof an area successfully against them.


The best predator proof measures to take if your property is being plagued by raccoons are the many electronic measures on the market today. The various models will use sound and light to scare the creatures off, and each model will have its own merits in their use. With raccoons, they are effective, as they are motion activated, and should catch the little geniuses off guard the next time they visit. No wiring needed, thanks to models with solar power.

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