The Efficiency Of HCG For Weight Loss

Lately, there has been a mad scramble for information about hcg for weight loss. This is a shortform for human chorionic gonadotropin. There are people who take injections containing this substance to lose weight.

This is a hormone that is produced when a woman is pregnant by the cells which form the placenta. This is done to send nutrients to help the fetus grow. It can be detected in the urine within a few days of conception via home pregnancy tests. Put another way, if HCG is present in the urine, then the test will show that she is pregnant. If it is not present, then the test will be negative. Another great use for this hormone is that it has been reported to be effective in the treatment of cancer.

This can be used to replenish testosterone levels in a man and to help with increasing fertility in both men and women alike. It helps with certain male reproductive functions and it stimulates ovulation in women. It has several other benefits, which makes it a very popular supplement. Body builders and professional athletes have used it to increase performance, however, it is now a banned substance in professional sports.

Back in 1954, a British physician reported that it would be effective in helping dieters to sustain a five hundred calorie per day diet. The doctor went on to claim that it would redistribute fat that was stored on the waist, hips and thighs. Furthermore, it would suppress the appetite and burn fat. The problem was that this was unsubstantiated by any clinical evidence.

There was no sign of any clinical reports to say this would be beneficial for weight loss. However, it was later discovered during a study performed in 1973, that this finding by the doctor almost twenty years ago was indeed true. People who were on a five hundred calorie per day diet and who took the injections were able to lose weight and also displayed a decrease in appetite.

Later, some people tried to copy this survey to see what results would be yielded. It appeared that there was no evidence to support weight loss by taking this hormone intravenously. The report went on to dispute all earlier claims that had been made.

Claims are very contradicting, therefore deciding to go with the injections, is a personal decision to be made between the patient and their doctor. If one wants to have these injections, it is important that a physician administers them. This is considered a drug and therefore the law dictates that a physician dispenses the injections. Professional athletes may not use this as it is on the banned substances list.

Furthermore, people who are on a diet of less than eight hundred calories per day will need some kind of one-on-one support. This is known as hcg protocol and is also administered by a doctor. One can say that like anything in life, if it is believed that hcg for weight loss will work, then it probably will work.

Are you looking to find where you can get HCG For Weight Loss? Visit my website to find out more!

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