You Have To Love Bandana Bibs

A recent study shows that as proud parents of cute little babies, we spend approximately $220,000 dollars per child every year decking out our youngsters in the latest and cutest fashions. We are absolutely driven to swathe our obviously beautiful babies in garments fit for Vogue Barbie then parade them about for others to behold. A percentage of those dollars are going to a new trend in baby Bandana bibs.

Little Walter, not knowing that his parents agonized over their fashion choices for him, and assuming everyone is ogling him – not his attire, promptly spits up milk and peaches all over Elmo ruining the effect. Or there’s beautiful blue-eyed little Sara who’s been teething for several months – she’s quite a drooler. Everything her mother dresses her in becomes soaked in drool within minutes necessitating a wardrobe change. The exasperating thing is most babies teethe for about two years.

Parents around the globe resort to covering their fashion-bedecked children with large, unwieldy bibs to protect their clothing. These bibs are usually made of a single thin layer of some sort of cotton and lined with plastic. They really don’t absorb very much, are very uncomfortable, and completely cover every wardrobe choice. It turns out there is finally an alternative. Hugely popular in Europe, chic and sexy Bandana Bibs fit many parents’ needs.

Bandana bibs are smaller, sleeker, contoured a lot like neckerchiefs, and come in a never ending supply of bright colors and fresh designs. Unlike the old style bibs, Bandana bibs contain no plastic. They are often made of separate cotton and fleece layers making them super absorbent and fast-drying, a definite plus in the baby world.

There is another need for Bandana bibs in today’s society – special needs adults and special needs seniors. The needs of these individuals are often overlooked but are no less important. Imagine lacking the ability to control the muscles of your face or mouth. Besides being subject to ridicule for drooling, it would be necessary to wear an adult version of one of those plastic-backed bibs to protect your clothing. This would subject you to more humiliation.

These trendy Bandana bibs can easily be manufactured to fit any size child or adult, are easy to care for, and are comfortable enough to wear all day long. Again, style is key here. Because these bibs are made in many different colors and fashionable designs, it is possible to have a bib to match every outfit in the closet.

It seems Bandana bibs have ambushed the baby fashion industry and the trend is growing rapidly. With the growing recognition of special needs adults and seniors, demand can only multiply. One might wonder whether we will see these new bibs in other settings soon, such as replacing those humiliating disposable plastic bibs you receive at the rib house – your clothing would be protected from all that delicious rib sauce while you maintain your stylish reputation, or across the dinner table on a first date protecting a pretty blouse from spaghetti sauce.

The possibilities for a new fashion trend are tremendous. The only question we each need to ask ourselves is whether we want to be leaders or followers in this movement toward style and practicality.

Are you looking to find where you can get Bandana Bibs? Visit my website to find out more!

Why not visit my website to find the best price on Bandana Bibs for your child needs.

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