Fat Destroying Vinegar! Dont Miss This!
Yep! You heard it right! Vinegar is an absolute SUPER Ingredient for destroying fat over your body! It totally destroys its existence even without exercise! So just think what kind of results you could get WITH cardio!
The boffins [research scientists] decided to take 175 obese people and put them in to 3 groups. One had lower amount of vinegar, another higher and the 3rd [placebo] had none. The vinegar consuming group lost a large amount of fat without even dieting!
Want more details? Search for “Vinegar Clinically Proven To Destroy Fat Without Diet Change” in Google and read the article yourself!
Now just before you go out and decide to down a bottle of Apple Cider Vinegar do realise a few things. The body is very receptive to change. If you shock the body with few table spoons of this ingredient and overdo it you can guess what will happen right? The results may diminish! So what do you do? You work out the correct diet, cardio and nutrition plan and THEN add this super ingredient as you ONLY need 4 table spoons a day!
But you now may be asking how best to do this? Well, first work out your daily caloric requirements. If you can not then just multiply your bodyweight in pounds [lb] by 12. That will give you a rough idea on your maintenance level per day. Now you know how many cals you need to take per day to maintain your weight. So ensure you get this.
Than, add 30 minutes of cardio per day for 4 times per week but make sure its proper cardio – walking at 4mph for 30 mins is a very good form of fat busting cardio. Next, throw in 1 table spoon 4 times per day before each meal.
Now keep an eye on the scales, body fat measurements and measure your waist every 10 days. You will notice that the fat is melting off and you are getting leaner, trimmer, healthier and overall in better condition!
Now how hard was that? BUT – and this is a big BUT! Remember to maintain your newly found weight! A cheat here and there is good, but too many and you’ll get fat again!
Keep tabs on whey protein and even throw in a whey protein isolate or whey protein concentrate shake here and there to give your body some quality protein. Then you can adjust your goals and add other supplements when needed such as vitamins, creatine,glutamine etc.
For more information on protein shakes and whey protein click on the link