70-671 training material
The Test4actual tool is giving the ways for the downloading process and it helps to get the 70-671 in a correct approach. Some organizations are giving the practice exams for the Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Small and Medium Organizations Microsoft exams, as it helps to clear the exams.
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You need to identify the business goals that affect the school??s choice of a licensing program. Which two business goals should you choose? (Each answer presents part of the solution. Choose two.)
A. Minimize licensing costs
B. Standardize all desktop applications
C. Minimize the cost of troubleshooting desktops
D. Provide a security solution for protecting the perimeter network from external attacks
Answer: A, B
You need to recommend a Volume Licensing solution to support the third -party application that runs on SQL Server. Your solution must minimize costs. Which Volume Licensing solution should you
A. Open Value
B. Campus Agr eement
C. Services Provider License Agreement
D. Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Royalty Licensing Program
Answer: D
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Microsoft Design & Providing MS Vol Licensing Solutions to Small & Med 70-671
Exam Number/Code : 70-671
Exam Name : Design & Providing MS Vol Licensing Solutions to Small & Med
One year free update
Once failed,100% refund
Questions and Answers : 160Q&As
Update Time : 2012-6-25
Price : $79.00
Candidates for TS 70-671 exam design and sell licensing solutions to small and medium-sized organizations. Organizations in this category typically have from 5 to 499 devices. Candidates should have at least six months of experience selling Microsoft licensing solutions and should have a basic understanding of all Microsoft corporate licensing solutions including Select, Enterprise, OEM, Full Packaged Product and Open.
70-671 exam Candidates should have a basic understanding of the types of Microsoft licenses, such as operating systems, server applications, desktop applications, and online services. They should also be familiar with both transactional and relationship-based programs. Candidates might service customers who do not have an in-house IT department and whose software refresh cycle is low to moderately aggressive.
70-671 exam Candidate will be expected to validate their ability to define a solution that best suits the customer’s needs.
Our Test4actual brain dumps for 70-671 training material are written to the highest standards of technical accuracy, provided by our certified subject matter experts and published authors for development. We provide you everything you will need to take your 70-671 exam. You may get questions from different web sites or books, but logic is the key. Our Product will help you get the certification at your first try, and also save your valuable time.
If still hesitate, you can try the demo we provide, which you can buy after seeing part of the study guide. Notice that it will be regularly updated by the test center, be sure you attend the exam within 60 days. How to make life simple and happy 70-671 exam.
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