Some Practical Tips for your Fundraising Calendars
It is always important to be practical in the execution of your fundraising ideas. Even if you are just using simple fundraising calendars to get that extra money, you still need to be deliberately practical with all the development steps to make sure that you do not spend too much in the investment.
In this special guide to fundraising calendars, I will teach you some practical tips in developing those custom calendars. With these tips, you should be able to optimize your resources for your calendar printing and design, helping you be practical as well as maximizing the returns of your fundraising efforts.
• Identify easy consumer markets – Being practical with your fundraising means going for those easy consumer markets first. You don’t want to target customers that are picky or hard to impress right at the outset of your campaign. It is best to go for those easy and responsive ones so that you can get that good consumer base for fundraising.
So at the start of your brainstorming for calendar designs, try first to research and identify who exactly your easy consumer markets are. Who are the people that you can easily market your fundraising calendars to? What kind of things might they like? What kind of calendars will get the most ideal response from them? If you can identify a responsive target market and design your custom calendars for them, you will get faster and better returns for your efforts. It is only practical to go for the easy ones first to save on time.
• Do the designs on your own – Now, to practically reduce your calendar design costs to zero, you should try to do the designs on your own. Trust me, with today’s technology even novices can pull of great looking color calendars. All you have to do is to pick the right design software and use calendar templates and guides. You should be able to follow most tutorials and templates with little trouble, eventually helping you to create a great custom calendar on your own. With you doing all the designs, you can save money on the photographer as well as the layout artist for your calendars, that is easily a hundred or so dollars saved for your cause.
• Use free tools and materials when possible – Another good practical habit in creating custom calendars is for you to use free tools and materials when possible. With the Internet at your fingertips, there are literally thousands of websites where you can get free software tools and image or text materials that you can use for your calendar design. You do not need to pay hundreds of dollars for them. You just need to choose wisely and be careful to only get the ones with open source licenses or creative commons licenses. This can reduce your initial calendar development costs even further, helping you lower the bar for success in your fundraising campaign.
• Search for the best and cheapest printer – Of course, it is only practical to search for the best and cheapest calendar printer around. This will minimize your overall cost, and maximize your fundraising returns. The best way to search for the cheapest calendar printers is to basically go online and look for online calendar printing companies. There should be hundreds of online firms out there that you can review and compare. Since this is the Internet, you should be able to process a list of printing sites and identify the cheapest online printers that should be able to print your calendars.
Great! Hopefully these practical tips should be enough to help you succeed in your fundraising with calendars. Trust me, this practical attitude can and will increase your chances of getting the most amount of returns with your fundraising calendars. Good Luck!