Why Choose Cork Floating Flooring?
Cork floating flooring is an all-natural type of flooring made of cork. One of the main reasons why this type of flooring has become so popular, especially amongst enthusiast do-it-yourselfers is that this floor is very easy to install. You do not need to call in a professional to lay the floor and you do not have to mess around with elaborate tools or techniques. The flooring comes in planks and each of the planks has a groove and ridge. You simply have to interlock the groove and ridge of adjacent planks when laying the floor. All the tools you will require to get this done are a saw, hammer and a taper measure. When you consider that the raw material itself is reasonably priced and then you take into consideration the savings on the installation, laying a cork floating flooring in any room or even in the whole house can be very reasonable project.
Some of the other benefits of this type of flooring are that it does not necessarily need any underlay though some people prefer to use it all the same. This type of flooring is excellent for basements. You do not even have to remove the existing flooring. You can simply lay the new cork tile over the old concrete layer. It can also be laid directly over any type of existing hard flooring without the hassle of having to first remove it.
Flooring that is made of cork tile offers several advantages over other conventional flooring materials like stone or hardwood. Cork offers significant padding so it is comfortable for standing on even for extended periods of time. This shock absorbing property makes it an excellent choice for use in gyms and in physiotherapy centers. It is also particularly good for people who suffer from joint and knee pain as the softer surface helps to reduce the pain when walking. Cork also had insulating properties, so it stays warm even in winters, making it possible to walk on barefoot without needed to increase the thermostat. This can mean huge savings in your monthly electricity bills, which otherwise tend to skyrocket during the winter season.
In addition to all of the above benefits, cork is also resistant to insects, mold and mildew.
Last but not least, cork is environmentally friendly. It is harvested very carefully from the bark of only mature cork oak trees using only hand tools. After the bark is harvested the tree is left alone for a minimum of nine years so it can regenerate and grow a new bark. Only trees that are over 25 years are used for manufacturing cork.
Once you have decided that this is the type of flooring that you would like to install in your home, the first thing you need to do is browse around the internet and explore the many options that are available as well as the how much the various types will cost you. You will find that the prices on the internet are much, much lower than anything you will find in any traditional flooring store.
One of the best options that you have when it comes to acquiring cork floating flooring is iCorkFloor. They offer a large assortment of cork tiles for consumers to choose from that are priced below market value.
cork floating flooring, cork tiles