Empowering Women on Career Dilemma
Women nowadays do not just want to work to help meet the rising costs of living and education for their children. They also want a career that will enable them to bring out their skills and use their potentials so that they can experience a sense of fulfillment and pride that come from achievement and success. Some careers now that have been traditionally dominated by the male species have been made open and filled up by women as well. It is no longer a surprising occurrence today to see many women working as pilots, astronauts, engineers, in construction sites, and in the printing business that operates high-tech machines.
Many women are also taking their chances on managerial and executive positions that mostly men are the one’s sitting on those positions. Many of them also excel in the line of education as teachers, deans and even presidents of universities. You can also see many women as lecturers and reviewers of different businesses. One example is that of the online printing company reviews where women usually have a say on what is the best choice for online printers for any marketing needs. (Incidentally, you can look at printplace reviews to help you make the right choice on your digital printing needs.)
From the income that women are getting from their work, they are able to maintain a family and able to provide a better education for their children and able to enjoy a comfortable life style.
However, there are still pronounced biases against women in high leadership positions. There still exists the so called gender-role stereotyping. Women need help to cope and manage the typical stereotyping of women workers and managers. One has only to look for job openings advertized in the classified sections of the newspaper to discover that many corporate positions are closed to women. And most often than not, many give preference to men by indicating in their ads phrases such as “male preferred” or male applicants only.” Even in some family run or owned corporations, seldom can you see women managers and presidents; they are seen in departments like finance, or comptroller’s positions not realizing they may actually be the power behind the throne.
Surveys shown that even though a man and a woman have the same level or handling the same position in an organization, the man would get a higher or bigger compensation package compared to women. Because of this, many women are just contented to be in subordinate positions in finance, human resources quality assurance, reviewers or lecturers on online printing company reviews, sales, manufacturing and other supportive roles.
There are still other barriers that prevent women from reaching their full potentials in the world of employment. Our culture does not encourage women to excel in government and in business-related jobs.
The model executive that is carved in our mind is typically masculine. With our social training and practice, men are generally perceived as leaders and the ones that are better able to bear demanding tasks.
Women who are able to make it on top and handles leadership roles are sometimes regarded merely as tokens. The abilities and skills of women are normally questioned by their own peers, and sadly even by other women.
If you are a woman who have the interest, ability and drive to pursue management careers, career counseling is of great help to help you find direction and increase motivation to pursue your career goals. It will help you have the self-confidence to get you in the same career opportunities open to men in this society that still prefers men for top level positions.
Aim High Woman!