Advanced Medical Nutrition

Advanced medical nutrition can be used in a range of different circumstances to help patients with serious illnesses, or less serious ailments, to be able to manage their symptoms and control their lives. Many medical nutrition products come in the shape of supplements and are typically taken on the advice of a healthcare professional although there are some which are available through pharmacies and even larger stores.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, more commonly referred to simply as COPD, is diagnosed in more than 900,000 adults but it is estimated that more than three times this many people suffer. COPD directly affects the lungs but it can also have a negative effect on the rest of the body even affecting the amount of food and nutrition that you need to consume in your diet.

Unfortunately, many patients that suffer from COPD find that they are unable to consume the amount of food and calories necessary. When this occurs, it is necessary to supplement nutrients like protein as well as calories via a concentrated protein supplement. One such supplement is Respifor; a protein shake that is very high in energy and protein. It is typically given on the advice of a doctor or other healthcare professional to patients that suffer from COPD but are unable to consume the amount of calories and protein.

Consuming more proteins means that the body is better able to produce energy itself while the increase in calorific intake ensures that you start to benefit from taking the supplement. You shouldn’t shed unhealthy levels of weight and, even if you do not have the best appetite, you will be able to manage your symptoms and start to enjoy a more independent and more active lifestyle once again.

The body requires many different nutrients and we all need adequate levels of energy to be able to live. Some diseases and illnesses can cause a major loss in such substances and, if the body is unable to process enough of them through the level of diet the patient is able to consume this makes supplements like Respifor a vital addition to the person’s daily regimen.

Nutricia produces and supplies a wide range of Advanced Medical Nutrition supplements that are designed to assist patients suffering from serious illnesses like COPD.

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