Dell through the acquisition to enter the software industry
Dell (Dell) with the help of a $ 2.4 billion all-cash acquisition, laid the foundation for a broader access to the software industry, the move will allow U.S. companies to expedite to the outside of the core PC business to expand.ルイヴィトン エピ ポルト カルトサーンプル M60327 財布
Dell Software Group president John Swensen said John Swainson, yesterday announced the acquisition of Quest Software (Quest Software), aims to Dell’s business to expand into the field of system management and security software, and to create a future transactions platform.
Swensen has long served as the senior management of the U.S. Agency for International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), and served as CEO of software maker CA, last year, Dell hired to assist the company to expand to 87% of the total income of the hardware outside the field of while creating a greater repeat revenue base, reduce the volatility of Dell’s business during the weak economy.
Swensen has pointed out that the move to enter the software to let Dell into higher-margin market, but he also said that the acquisition of Quest is out of the strategic objectives, instead of Dell’s random search software profit pool.
IT consulting firm Gartner (Gartner) (Will Cappelli) Will • Capecitabine, an analyst believes that the acquisition of Quest Dell to enter the field of software may be reached “the single best deal. For BMC, CA, and IBM’s Tivoli (Tivoli) sector, the company in the systems management business is a small entity, but he said that the company still brought Dell to become an important player in the market Most of the required capacity.
The deal reached before the beginning of this year Quest to accept private equity firm Insight Venture Partners of $ 22 per share takeover offer, triggering a bidding war.ルイヴィトン モノグラム アジェンダ PM R20005 財布
Dell ultimately won the bid to $ 28 per share, making the company’s valuation of 17 times expected earnings for this year, while rivals CA and BMC’s price-earnings ratio is only 11-12 times.