A dietary supplement.

A dietary supplement.

What is a dietary supplement? It is usually a multivitamin or mineral that you take to improve your health. There are many on the market today and it’s easy to see that with the baby boomer generation that more and more people will be looking to improve their health.
In today’s world, if you are not taking a dietary supplement of some sort you probably should be as there are not the same nutrients in our foods as our grandparents had. In a world of genetically modified foods and other dangers, it is important to think about where your nutrition is coming from.
We have hormones, antibiotics, pesticides and residues of all sorts to contend with. Not to mention that the nutrition is much less than it used to be in the times when are great grandparents and grandparents were farming and eating without these chemicals.
So if you are not taking a dietary supplement, you probably should be. I mean let’s face it, we get up. Rush down a breakfast, squeeze in a lunch and hopefully sit down with a home cooked meal. In some cases that is not even an option. Can you say drive through? Whether is for food or for a coffee. We sure love to have our convenience and delicious goods. I am no exception and I strive to cook more!
So with our average daily intake, do you feel like you are getting protection from you foods? The answer might be yes but did you know that on a daily average you produce 300000000000000000000000, that’s 300 sextillion particles of exhaust that damage your cells internally? This damage is known as oxidative stress and it happens to everyone.
Oxidative stress is the main reason that we all try to eat well and take a dietary supplement. We want to stay healthy and living into our older years with grace and less problems. If we have a buildup of this exhaust the Oxidative stress can cause damage to all of the internal parts of the cell.
It can damage the internal parts of the body down to the cellular level. For some people it manifests as problems with bones, muscles, joints, nerves, brain or internal organs and tissues. In fact the medical community has over 100,000 articles linking Oxidative stress to some sort of disease.
So what sort of a dietary supplement do you need?

A dietary supplement that works! Did you know that doctors today are learning that taking antioxidants that come from foods can only eliminate the exhaust particles, the oxidants at a 1:1 ratio. With such a large number of exhaust being produced these “direct antioxidants” cannot ever really produce a result. It’s like throwing a thimble full of water on a burning house.
Protandim is a dietary supplement that works and I can prove it. It eliminates free radicals at a ratio of 1 million to one, every second 24 hours a day 7 days a week! In fact it was the only dietary supplement the American Heart Association has ever paid its own money to study! That is HUGE.
Watch the video that ABC primetime video that they tried to find the scam to here


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