A quick review of the main categories of stress relief products

Stress, in its generic form, is viewed as one of the worst possible health enemies of the modern society and its implications go far beyond the psychological effects. Although stress has developed as the normal response of the body to potentially dangerous situations, nowadays even the least critical problems of day to day life cause the same reactions. What is even worse, the body is subjected to a continuous state of stress which cannot be turned off even when the conditions that have caused it have succumbed. Therefore, it is easy to understand why being in a continuous state of alertness has devastating effects on the normal functioning of the organs.

Manufacturers immediately recognized the possibility to capitalize on the expense of stressed individuals and have developed a wide variety of stress relief products, some more effective than others. This is not necessarily a bad thing, considering the high number of individuals affected by stress at different intensities. However, while a category of stress relief products are more suitable for some people, others do not respond equally well to it. But what are the most commonly used stress relief products and methods nowadays? Let’s take a quick look.

Certain individuals can obtain stress relief easier via physical effort. In this situation, something as simple as a stress ball can constitute a far better remedy than meditation or aroma therapy, as their personality traits recommend them as active people. Alternatively, the treadmill or the punching bag are not only great ways to get rid of the stressful sensation, but also help the user improve his muscles develop and promote an active, healthy lifestyle. Within just a few minutes of exercise, the stress response diminishes and the individual can carry out with his day to day routine. Physical exercise is generally advised for individuals that experience stress response as a manifestation anger.

The stress relief products that are considered superior when stress manifests in the form of anxiety are meditation tapes and books depicting the techniques used to achieve inner peace. Visualizing the person’s favorite peaceful place, using the subliminal message programming or relaxation music are all excellent choices. The relief from stress via these methods is typically achieved by reprogramming at the subconscious level of the brain and regulating the secretion of various chemicals. In fact, these techniques have the advantage of an extended effectiveness duration.

At the same time, aromatherapy in combination with a relaxation massage has proven quite effective over the years. The stress relief technique implies the use of essential oils to evocate happy scenes from an individual’s life via his sense of smell. The essential oils can be added to a warm soothing bath or the stressed individuals can be massaged with them. In the case of powerfully scented teas, the aroma is both inhaled and ingested.

All in all, it is necessary to point out that under certain circumstances; the stress response of a person is so intense that it can only be treated using anxiety medication. However, stress management medication should only be regarded as a last resort, when all other stress relief products have failed to produce the proper results.

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