Termite Control Atlanta – Termite Prevention Is Your First And Most Important Step In Control

Once Termites have attacked your home it can be months or even years before you notice their presence by then termites may have done serious damage to the structure of your home and have become such an infestation that you will spend huge amounts of money getting rid of them and repairing the damage they have created. Most people simply see no need to prevent something they do not already have and think that termite control in Atlanta starts only after they have termites. This is a big risk for homeowners to take, as prevention could have saved them a lot of money.

Termite control in Atlanta is most effective if it is begun before you have termites, because termites tend to burrow into the wood the only way you will ever know that you have termites is by seeing one of telltale signs of them, however all too often these signs do not appear and get noticed until your home is already infested. By purchasing a termite prevention program you will spend a fraction of what the cost of removing termites will cost you, not to mention repairing the damage they have created. Termites can be so voracious they can literally destroy a home so it pays to ensure that this does not happen to you.

There are some things that you can do in Atlanta to control termite infestations from occurring. Keeping firewood away from your home and stacked off the ground can help. Termites live at ground level and are continuously looking for things to burrow in, there has been many a termite nest found in firewood piles. If you see termites in your firewood be sure to burn the firewood as soon as possible and do not leave it lying around in your home or around your house.

Tree stumps are another place where termites like to hang out, so removing any tree stumps from your home will also help, also avoiding any wood to ground contact can help. Make sure that wood steps, trellises and lattice work are raised off the ground using cement bricks or other non wood items. If you do renovations on your home ensure that the woods scraps are promptly disposed of and are not buried or left lying on the ground. Termite control in Atlanta requires that you manage wood scraps and structures carefully.

Regularly inspect any exposed wood for signs of damage such as piles of wood debris, piles of wings shed by the termites, mud tubes built by termites for above ground traveling, pinholes in your walls, or damaged wood. Even if you do not find signs of termites you should still take steps to have your home inspected every so often for termites and if you live in a high risk area that you consider purchasing preventative termite control in Atlanta.

Forsythe Exterminating are experts in the termite field can help you by inspecting your home, and assisting you in creating a termite free zone as well as discuss any plans for continuing termite control in Atlanta.

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