1Y0-A25 dumps
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Citrix Engineering a Citrix Virtualization Solution Exam 1Y0-A25 dumps
Exam Number/Code : 1Y0-A25
Exam Name : Engineering a Citrix Virtualization Solution Exam
One year free update
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Questions and Answers : 80Q&As
Update Time : 2012-7-8
Price : $89.00
Test4actual is pioneers in 1Y0-A25 exam preparation it has been specially made from the exam point of view and teaches you the necessary tricks you need to outsmart the rest! Hence they have prepared elaborate materials including 1Y0-A25 test papers, 1Y0-A25 training Questions, 1Y0-A25 study Questions and study Tests so that you can get sufficient practice to understand the mechanics of the tests.
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Scenario: A Citrix Engineer added a new XenDesktop site into the same Web Interface site that
currently provides access to resources in the XenApp farm. When the engineer began testing access
to virtual desktops in the environment, the engineer noticed that the Citrix Desktop Viewer window
and toolbar for Citrix Receiver did NOT appear. To enable the Citrix Desktop Viewer, the engineer
should add ShowDesktopViewer=On in the _________ file. (Choose the correct option to complete
the sentence.)
Answer: D
Scenario: A Citrix Engineer needs to set up logging to monitor a Workload Balancing related issue in a XenServer implementati on. The engineer wants to capture maximum detail about this issue before reporting it to Citrix Technical Support. To increase the level of detail that will be captured in the log file, the engineer should _________ and __________. (Choose the two correct options to complete the sentence.)
A. open wlb.conf in a text editor
B. open logfile.log in a text editor
C. open auditlog.out in a text editor
D. modify the configuration options
E. enable logging for a specific trace
Answer: A, E