Influencing Factors on the Grinding Process of Bauxite Ball Mill

According to the grinding principle and the technological process of the ball mill, we can see that the influencing factors on the grinding process of the bauxite ball mill include the hardness, toughness, dissociation and structural defect of the rocks. The harder the rocks are, the more difficult the grinding will be; the tougher of the rocks are, the more difficult the grinding will be. The rocks with structural defect are easy to be ground. Speaking on the broader sense, the workers can adopt the grindability coefficient to show the influences of the features of the rocks on the ore grinding process.

1. The bauxite is made up of many minerals.

The bauxite is mainly diaspore, and the gangue minerals are mainly the kaolinite, pyrophyllite, illite and chlorite and the iron minerals include needle iron ore, hematite and pyrite.

2. Granularity of the materials that are fed into the grinding machine.

The more coarse the granularity of the materials fed into the machine is, the longer the time that will take to grinding the materials into the specified fineness and the higher the power consumed will be. Properly reducing the granularity of the materials is conducive to the improvement of the production efficiency of the grinding machine. The biggest particle of the bauxite is often 12mm and sometimes it needs to be adjusted with the crushing needs. Ball mill:
ore beneficiation:

3. The size and specifications of the grinding machines.

The power consumption, production efficiency and the grinding effects of the grinding machine is closely related to the diameter and the length of the machine. The power consumption and the production efficiency of the grinding machine are proportional to its diameter and length. Since it takes some time for the materials to go from the feeding mouth of the machine to the discharging mouth, the length of the machine will influence the ore grinding time and influence the fineness of the ore grinding.

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