Add Exotic Air To Rooms With Persian Rugs

Aladdin’s flying carpet was probably a Persian rug. While a Persian carpet of your own probably won’t fly in the literally sense, it will bring a dazzling air to your room.

Persian rugs are very popular and always will be. They have wonderful colors and designs. In many cases Persian rugs are sometimes the heirloom that many hold onto from generation to generation. As the Persian rug ages it actually is its best when it is about 30-40 years old.

Persian rugs are sometimes called the brother of Oriental rugs. This is not the case. Persian and Oriental rugs are nowhere near the same. Oriental rugs are from Asia and Eurasia where Persian rugs are from Iran, Iraq, and Turkey. Make sure if you’re purchasing an authentic Persian area rug that it is from one of the regions listed.

Persian rugs come in many different colors and designs. The three which are considered to be the Persian design are the geometric, floral, or pictorial.

The Medallion style Persian rug is very popular due to the design in the center of the rug. It is a great way to incorporate this area rug into the focal point in any rooms design.

Geometric or floral patterned area rugs are the most common for other homes. They are easier on the eye and won’t be too dramatic.

There are a few area rugs out there which are copied by the Persian area rug. You’ll know the difference due to the price. These contemporary Persian area rugs are a great way to bring the feel of a real Persian rug into your home without having to break the bank.

If you aren’t too up on the Persian area rugs you’d never be able to tell the difference from an antique Persian or a contemporary area rug. They are so alike that many have a rough time noticing.

A trip to explore the world of Persian rugs can be your very own “flying carpet” adventure!

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One Response to “Add Exotic Air To Rooms With Persian Rugs”

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