Keeping Workers Safe When Working With Pneumatic Grippers And Vessel Air Nippers
The greatest advantage offered by pneumatic equipment such as pneumatic grippers and Vessel air nippers is the sheer amount of power that can be exerted by such equipment. Pneumatically-driven grippers, for example, are able to grip and lift loads that would be much too heavy for a person to carry unaided. That same force can also be a disadvantage, however, because it means that factory managers and site overseers must be that much more vigilant in order to prevent mishaps. The problem, however, is that the management can only watch so many things at one time, and if the burden of staying vigilant were to rest on their shoulders alone, then it is only a matter of time before a mishap occurs.
This is why workplace education is absolutely essential in the effort to maintain a safe and productive workplace. In order for workers to feel safe and stay safe, they need information. Many factory managers believe that the best way to educate workers regarding safety is to keep it as simple as possible, and tell them only what they must and must not do. This is an antiquated approach that has proven to be far from the most effective method of maintaining workplace safety.
Instead of simply instructing workers on the do’s and don’ts, it is much more effective to educate them about the dangers of the workplace and the safety precautions that must be taken as a result. Education in this sense means a real education, and not simply the repetition of some spiel meant to ‘make workers care’ about safety. Catchy slogans will only get you so far.
It has been shown that workers respond far better when they understand the true extent of the risks that they face, and the actual purpose of the safety precautions that they have been instructed to undertake. A worker might, for example, choose to ignore the rule that smoking is not allowed on the factory floor. If he were to understand that a single spark might set off the gas in the underground fuel tanks and produce an explosion large enough to wipe out the hundreds of people living in the area, then smoking would probably be the furthest thing from that worker’s mind.
To that end, a workplace education program should be crafted that includes the distribution of educational materials. Among the more common solutions is the production of workplace safety pamphlets or handbooks. While this has shown some success, many workers still find reading about safety too much of a chore. A much more effective approach has been to commission the production of a safety video accompanied by live demonstrations, as audio/visual cues have been shown to be far more effective in aiding learning than printed words.
With a proper workplace safety program in place, you will be able to utilize pneumatic equipment such as pneumatic grippers and Vessel air nippers without having to worry about the safety of your workers, and also better comply with the safety regulations governing workplaces in your state.
The pneumatic grippers and Vessel air nippers available from DAS Services Inc have an impeccable safety record, so any factory manager or business owner wanting to reduce risk in their operations should definitely choose to utilize these options.
pneumatic grippers, Vessel air nippers