Create autoblog on

– Should be blogger :

+ Free, so you build autoblog with large quatity, cost for hosting will save alot of your money.
+ Be priority index fastest by google.

Creating a blog on very simple, so, i won’t guide :D. SomeOne don’t clear, please reference here. Important, how do you want to build blog with any niche? to choose name correct ^^(i’ll guide to choose niche at next part)

Register accout of hatforrent .com
It’s too easy, so, i won’t guide, too ^^ .

Now, let’s add your blog into hatforrent

Create new blogspot on Hatforrent

To have blogID, see the image below :

Get BlogID

To easy check your installing and see content on your blog, i’ll choose a site has big frequency of contents(In fact is difference – you should choose blogs has a little frequency of content, and add more source for 1 blog – i’ll explain about it in other article)

I’ll choose IGN to get source

Working of parse content of webpage have 2 steps : get link and get all content. We’ll provide to hatforrent source of webpage to get link(RSS or homepage or category of page).

In here, easy to see, Hatforrent need traverse into homepage or RSS, or any webpage, as long as it’s link to redirect to details of contents. Then, it traverse into details page to get detail content.

At here, i’ll use rss to get link, with page hasn’t rss, i only use html(simple, use rss easier to get link !!!)
Link RSS:

You can fill follow the image beblow :

Getting by feeds 
Get selector for content 
Getting by html
At here, it’s a little difficult : “Selector to get content” or “Selector to get title”This selector is the part that you specify to hatforrent how to parse content. Syntax of selector same Syntax of css selector, but, it’s stronger(If you buy service of hatforrent, will support how to write free selectors as well as possible :D)To write selector, so you can viewsource detail of any webpage, eg : source, can see tag contain content is <div class=”article_content”> tag

Selector name to get content

So, in the selector, you can only specify the class is article_content (.article_content)
Or you can use firebug or new version of others browsers has “Inspect Element”

You can see :

So, we understood meaning how to put “.article_content” into the selector, and how to get that selector.

Same, the title put on <h1> tag. In here, have 2 class article_title contentPageHeader, you should use article_title class.
So Selector of title will be “.article_title”

Next step, you will click “Preview Articles” to preview the article that hatforrent just get content.

When preview OK, you choose Save to save change.

Preview content 

Done, wait about 15-30 minutes, your blog has new contents.
So, you have added 1 source into your blog to finish.
Each autoblog should have 5-10 sources, dependent frequency arise of new contents

How it work
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