Expedite Innovation with Idea Management Software

Idea management is defined as “a structured process of generating, capturing, discussing and improving, organizing, evaluating and prioritizing valuable insight or alternative thinking that would otherwise not have emerged through normal processes.” Normally a typical ideation process involves a storyboarding session involving a few stakeholders. Though it results in products, it lacks innovation. This is because only a few minds are at work and hence only a few ideas emerge. Instead of a few minds, many minds need to be at work to bring in different ideas. Hence, more people need to be involved during the storyboarding session. But how to do that? Convene a meeting involving all and sundry to churn out ideas or meet each person individually for idea generation. None of the above, since it can only result in unnecessary waste of time and efforts. What is required is idea management software that

* inspires those people (both internal and external)who work closely with the products that end up in the market to contribute ideas

* involves more people during the storyboarding process – clients, product engineers, analysts – stakeholders from various product development phases

* sets up an efficient feedback system where end users’ issues can be heard and addressed

* encourages healthy expression of suggestions by allowing all stakeholders to put forward and resolve their concerns and contribute towards solving problems

* provides an opportunity for all stakeholders to better understand the product development process so that there is no gap between expectation and delivery

Ideation software provides a platform for people with so many diverse experiences and backgrounds to come together for realizing a common goal. This results in many different cost, time and process improvement related ideas. Screening these ideas lead to not only innovative products but also innovative business processes, workflow management and market trends.

The following are the advantages of  idea management implementation.

* New competitive products and services

* Process improvements

* Improved collaboration and decision making across teams

* Competitive advantage

* Identify hidden talent and new areas of growth

* Enhanced Brand Value and Brand Loyalty

* Transform the organization to leadership position by expediting innovation

* Foster innovation culture

* Encourage participation and generate enthusiasm in employees towards driving the solution

* Operations optimization to reduce costs and hence increased bottom lines

* Gain competitive advantage over rivals

Idea management software is the need of the hour as it empowers the employees with a platform to think aloud and submit their ideas and suggestions.

Know more on:  managing innovation

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