Secure Your IT Infrastructure with Vulnerability Management

Technological advancements have enabled enterprises exercise better efficiency in IT infrastructure and applications to venture into untapped markets;but it has its set of challenges too. Our IT landscape is vulnerable to cyber criminals and third party intruders targeting an enterprise’s IT infrastructure, with sophisticated social engineering attacks, like Phishing that results in loss of brand image and revenues.

Importance of Vulnerability Management
Today there is an urgent need to manage and secure every aspect of the IT infrastructure as an enterprise’s critical data remains vulnerable to attacks both from internal and external sources. Data thefts can occur from desktop applications, mobile computing, employee-owned devices, social networking and cloud assets. Therefore, to secure your enterprise completely from any kind of data theft, a unified vulnerability management solution is needed. The solution helps in detecting system weaknesses, efficiently fixes critical security breaches and safeguards it from future attacks.

What is Vulnerability Management?
Simply put, vulnerability management can be best defined as an ongoing and measurable process that helps enterprises to understand the vulnerabilities and risks present in its IT environment. It further helps to secure confidential consumer data and intellectual property. This digital information needs to be efficiently managed, as it resides within an organization’s assets and forms the core of the Governance, Risk and Compliance Management Process.

The increasing security breaches have compelled esteemed brands specializing in compliance management solution come up with innovative vulnerability management solutions.  These solutions use governance, risk and compliance controls, workflow, documents and repositories to evaluate the vulnerability status and customize ways to combat security threats and vulnerabilities. According to Gartner, an innovative and effective vulnerability management program should include the following:

  • Prioritizing vulnerabilities depending on risk influences and efforts
  • Execution of information security compliance policies, recognizing device configurations, resource access and user identity
  • Making use of network security tools to secure an enterprise’s vital information
  • Comprehending vulnerability and security status based on an enterprise’s environmental baseline
  • Alleviating internal and external security breaches with meaningful practices and strategies that is followed by ongoing monitoring and maintenance of IT infrastructure and environment

Today, increased pace of globalization has made IT organizations to have an organized process in place that results in sustainability and transparency in the organization’s overall management process. Innovative vulnerability assessment system will enable these organizations to attain the desired balance between technology and business intelligence. A proactive management of vulnerabilities will bring down the scope for data abuse; take less effort and time in remedying a breach that has already occurred.

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