be familiar with the Java language
While not definitive, this guide to JavaFX Script does fill some holes in the current documentation, and should be code-driven enough to keep you engaged and learning from start to finish. Note that you need not know a thing about JavaFX Script to learn from this guide; you should, however, be familiar with the Java language and object-oriented programming concepts. Note, also,
online movies that what you learn in this article about online movies JavaFX Script’s syntax (primarily) will be enriched in Part 3, when we look at the JavaFX APIs.
Just a little more than two years ago, Sun developer Chris Oliver introduced a project called F3 (Form Follows Function) via his blog. The project consisted of the F3 language and several APIs for simplifying GUI programming.
According to Oliver, F3 was “a declarative Java scripting language with static typing,” which he said would provide IDE support and compile-time error reporting — two features not found in JavaScript. The language also offered type-inference, declarative syntax, and automatic data-binding, with, as Oliver said “full support for 2D graphics and standard Swing components as well as declarative animation.” Perhaps the biggest upside of using F3, according to its creator, was the ease with which it would allow developers to “import Java classes, create new Java objects, call their methods, and implement Java interfaces.”