Energy Saving Tips – Insulation
There are plenty of ways that you can save energy around your home, and it’s important that you do. First and foremost this is of course important for the environment, and simply by turning your light off a bit sooner when you don’t need it you will be able to help save the planet. Each time you use any energy in your home you see it comes from a power plant somewhere in the area and this means that fossil fuels are burned. These fossil fuels are made from ancient carbon that still contains energy and this means that it will release carbon emissions when burned. Those carbon emissions then increase the thickness of the atmosphere and in turn this then locks the heat from the sun in so that it can get in to warm up the planet but not get out again afterwards. It’s very important that this doesn’t happen because as the overall temperature of the planet increases it is melting our icecaps, submerging land underwater, causing unpredictable weather and killing many species of wildlife. Eventually the planet will become uninhabitable if we continue.
The other reason it’s so important to save energy is of course for your own energy bill, and if you don’t want to pay through the nose come the end of the year then you need to make sure that you aren’t wasting energy unnecessarily – you can probably stand to save hundreds if you are smart as a household.
So how do you do this? Well there are many ways, and not all of them mean living without energy like you were back in the stone age. One simple change you can make for instance is to simply insulate your home better and this will then help you to avoid cold and damp from setting in and thereby reduce the amount of heating you need to use.
The first way to do this is simply by getting insulation in your building. This means getting insulation bats in your loft for instance and it means getting insulation in your wall cavities. By doing these things you can trap more warm air into your home and so use less heating. Likewise you also need to make sure that your windows and doors are sealed and trapping in as much heat as possible. Most important of all is to use double glazing which is basically any window that is made from two sheet of glass with an empty space in between for air. This works very well because it not only gives you more layers between you and the outside world, but it also means you get to use some air which is a great insulator in itself.
On top of this you can also insulate your home by just using carpeting throughout rather than stone or wood. Carpet again has thin fiber which trap oxygen and again provide more insulation as a result. And you can even go so far as to hang rugs on your walls and get thicker curtains – every bit helps!
There are more and more ways to help save energy and one of the most simple is to install good insulation batts. We got ours fitted when we made some major renovations by autex insulation.