Protect Your Children from Internet Pornography
Pornography has become one of the largest industries in the world, bringing in money through countless mediums. Porn exists in many forms, ranging from phone sex lines, to magazines, movies and sex clubs. One of the most ubiquitous and dangerous forms of pornography, however, is the porn found on the internet. Porn does not only exist on the internet for people to search for and use, it is actually everywhere on the net. While surfing the web, it is actually difficult not to be automatically directed to a porn site of some kind during your e-travels. Porn has become a huge, unwanted presence on the internet. It is important not to allow the current generation of children to become addicted to viewing porn and to make sure they are using the internet to further their intelligence rather than diminishing their intellect with filth.
As a parent, you are probably very wary of your child being exposed to vulgar material, both in print media and online. It is very likely that even if your child has not searched for porn, he or she has found it while exploring the internet. Your kids browser is a gateway to a great deal of distasteful material in addition to the unending wealth of knowledge and information it provides. Your child could be researching for a history project and suddenly be redirected to pornography. There are many websites directed at children that contain references to children’s TV shows and characters, which provide direct links to pornographic web pages. As a loving, caring parent, are you comfortable with that?
With kids email, parents have the ability to filter out spam, bad words, images, attachments, and monitor all incoming and outgoing email. Monitoring attachments is particularly important as you never know what your kids can be sent. You can also restrict the time that your kids can login and check their emails. Most importantly, with kids email, you can block anyone who is not on their contact list from getting in touch with them.
As a parent, it is your job to protect your kids from the dirty, salacious material that can be found on the internet. By monitoring your kids’ web activity and setting up parental controls and pop-up blockers on your child’s browser, you can prevent your child from being victimized by the porn industry. Not only will these circumstances relieve your stress over your child’s web activities, but it will also allow your child to use the internet for purposes with integrity. Kids should be using the internet to learn, not to be corrupted by the porn industry. The internet is an excellent resource, especially for children, and their use of the web should not be tainted by the presence of unwanted sexual content. Keep your child’s innocence for as long as possible, and don’t let your kid grow up too fast.
Jacob Andersen received a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Brigham Young University and an MBA from Utah State University. He is committed to using his knowledge and expertise to keeping kids safe online.”The safety of our children is the mission of and,” Andersen said.”Any profits made are reinvested into the development and advertising of new child safety products.”