1Y0-A26 exam download
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Our Citrix certification 1Y0-A26 Study Materials are prepared by top industry experts. IT experts are extremely knowledgeable in the field of Citrix certification 1Y0-A26 exam questions as our team is constantly working for the more talented 1Y0-A26 exam questions. At Test4actual, 1Y0-A26 braindumps page all the necessary 1Y0-A26 study guide is offered for 1Y0-A26 download which not only includes free but it also contains study guide and practice tests.
Exam 1Y0-A26 now validates the skills needed to install, configure and maintain Provisioning Services in a XenServer environment.
The Citrix XenServer 6.0 Administration exam is divided into the following sections:*
Installing and Implementing XenServer
Managing and Maintaining Hosts
Managing and Maintaining Virtual Machines and Templates
Configuring and managing resource pools
Installing and configuring Provisioning Services
Maintaining Provisioning Services
Configuring Advanced Features
Backing up and Restoring
Citrix 1Y0-A26 exam training materials are useful for understanding exam terminologies and these 1Y0-A26 download questions also very useful for enhancing people brain Test4actual. If you are already working as an IT professional in some enterprise, your success in Citrix 1Y0-A26 exam will not enhance your existing career but it will also open up your career opportunities in other enterprises.
Free 1Y0-A26 VCE Demo Download
Scenario: An administrator is adding a new host to a XenServer resource pool. XenServer is already
installed on the host, but the NTP server settings are configured incorrectly on the host. Which file
can the administrator edit to adjust the NTP server settings on the new XenServer host?
A. /etc/ntp.conf
B. /etc/ntp/keys
C. /etc/init.d/ntpd
D. /etc/ntp/step-tickers
Answer: A
An administrator is planning to apply an update that has already been downloaded to a XenServer
host in production. What is the next step that the administrator needs to take in the update
A. Restart the host.
B. Generate the UUID for the patch.
C. Specify the UUIDs of the host and the patch.
D. Shut down, suspend or migrate the virt ual machines running on the host.
Answer: D
Citrix 1Y0-A26 exam is especially designed to maximize your productivity and only emphasis on main parts of the 1Y0-A26 Exam. The pass ratio of 1Y0-A26 pdf executed on the globe is maximized to Test4actual. The 1Y0-A26 Exam details are researched and produced by Professional Certification Experts who are constantly using industry experience to produce precise, and logical. You may get questions from different web sites or books, but logic is the key.
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