Do Successful Innovations Help Overcome Competition

Innovation is the only way to stay ahead of the competition. When exploited properly it will improve business survivability and lead to increased profits. At a time when, to survive, companies strive to take up the challenge of competitive and sustainable innovation, few succeed because of generally accepted ideas that are deeply ingrained in the thinking of the top executives. However, those who successfully overcome conventional wisdom manage to transform innovation into a competitive advantage and engage the entire organization in a long-lasting and profitable dynamic.

Google has been one such   organization that applies innovation effectively. Google ensures that their philosophy of Innovation stays robust, by giving their engineers time to discover and explore their ideas. They have developed a very flat organizational structure to cultivate innovation and aren’t afraid to take calculated risks. In Google, all employees have easy access to face-time with senior management to present their ideas. All the engineering staff at Google is encouraged to spend 20% of their time working on projects they feel strongly about. That philosophy has generated services such as “Google News,” “Google Suggest,” “adSense for Content” (online ads triggered by the content on the page) and “Orkut,” a powerful social-networking site. Know more on innovation management software.

Innovation may not always connect to a technological breakthrough but is often a combination of possibilities. Good ideas are everywhere, but it’s a long road and a tremendous amount of effort in making an idea – the right idea – a market success. Many Ideas that originate from employees provide an unlimited source of competitive edge and value for companies and are leveraged as incremental improvements and strategic innovations. According to Peter F Drucker, “The enterprise that does not innovate inevitably ages and declines. And in a period of rapid change such as the present…the decline will be fast.” There are no quick fixes and no easy answers for succeeding at innovation. Know more on managing innovation.

Innovation is clearly the most important factor in business success, according to business and technology leaders. Fifty-three percent of them cited it as having the biggest impact on competitiveness. Companies like Apple and Microsoft are all successful companies because of innovations. With an effective idea management platform, various feedback mechanisms can help encourage idea generation and introduce a right idea, at the right time, in the right market. For a business to overcome competition and grow and develop rapidly, it is highly imperative to innovate rapidly and incessantly.

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